Chapter 40: Cub and penguin

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"Chaeyoung! Come here, look at your hands. I told you to not play at the mud" Mrs. Son said as she wipe Chaeyoung's face full of mud and his little cute hands.

"Mom I have a question" Mrs. Son look down to see her son who is smiling from ear to ear.

"What it is?"

"Is having a kid is good?" Chaeyoung asked that made Mrs. Son laugh and pinch fluffy cheeks of Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung whine as his mother pinch his cheeks.

"What happen to you huh? Why are you asking a question like that?" Mrs. Son said that made Chaeyoung shruggle his shoulder.

"Curious mommy" Chaeyoung already change his clothes and Mrs. Son pick him up to carry him. Mrs. Son made him sit on her lap and back hug him.

"You will know my little cub when you have your own family. For now focus on being a good to us and good big brother to Jeonghun" Mrs. Son said that made Chaeyoung giggle and hug his mother.

Chaeyoung might not the best student but he is kind to others. He cause trouble but later on he regrets it, that's makes his mothet adore him.

"My son might be the best student but he is honest and he will never do that" Mrs. Son explained but the principal just smile at her.

"I know Mrs. Son but the students and their parents are complaining about the noise that your son producing is disturbing them" the principal explain and Mrs. Son look at his son standing apart away from her. While his little hands behind him and patiently waiting for his mother.

"Gosh he is adorable, I try to talk to the parents. Mrs. Son you have a kind and charming son, he is not that well behave but he is responsible" the principal said that made Mrs. Son smile brightly. Chaeyoung cutely bow to the principal and to the principal surprised, Chaeyoung gave her a letter.

It composed of saying sorry for the trouble he did. The principal ruffle his hair and she said that it's okay.

While walking to the parking lot, Chaeyoung is holding her mother big hands chewing his bubble gums that Mrs. Son gave him.

"Before we go to the animal shelter that mommy's friend owns, I want to ask you something" Mrs. Son said and Chaeyoung stand straightly still chewing his bubble gums.

"What kind of noise that you made?"

"Chaeyoung just roar like a tiger. Mommy did I made the scared?" Chaeyoung said while roaring making her mother laugh out loud. Chaeyoung just continue roaring and Mrs. Son ruffle his hair.

"You are adorable, cub. Anyway excited go to the animal shelter?" Mrs. Son said and Chaeyoung jump that made his bubble gum fell on the ground. Chaeyoung stop jumping and laugh at his bubble gum.

Mrs. Son kiss his cheeks and they got in their car. While Mrs. Son driving, Chaeyoung can't stop singing random nursery rythms. Later on Chaeyoung fell asleep because of the tired that he feels.

"Baby wake up, here we are" Mrs. Son said and Chaeyoung slowly open his eyes. Mrs. Son unbuckle his seatbelt and slowly carry Chaeyoung go out of the car.

His mother carrying his tiger bag while Chaeyoung is still sleeping. Chaeyoung immediately look up when he heard a bunch of childrens that are playing. Chaeyoung got off and his eyes sparkle to see the kids playing with the dogs and cats there.

"Enjoy your time here my friend. I'm sure that your little cub will like it here" woman said as she look at Chaeyoung who is jumping while looking at the kids playing.

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