Chapter 20: Officially Missing you

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Chaeyoung's POV

It's been a week since Mina left the base and back to the hospital. We still contact each other and sometimes only. She has work and I have too. Now I miss her >_< I can't leave the base now since we have new recruits.

"We already orient the rules and regulations of the base. Now I assigned an Officer for your training. Check the list at the information center. Eat your lunch and later at 1pm sharp get here for the introduction" Jihyo noona said and the new recruits gave their salutes.

I was about to eat my lunch when Jihyo noona stop me. I turn my back on her and raise my eyebrows.

"You still going to the concert tomorrow? You can't leave your students" she said and I follow her, I want to ditch but Mina already text me that she is free tomorrow and we will have date.

Thinking about date make me blush. I'm gonna have a real date tomorrow, ah Myoui Mina I really like you. I snapped at my thoughts when I feel Jihyo noona hit my head.

"What?" she glared at me and she make me sit beside her. I eat my lunch quitely when she asked question.

"Are you dating Dr. Myoui?" she asked that made me choke on my soup. I get the tissue and wipe my mouth.

"Uhm I can't really say that we are dating but getting to know each other. Beside I'm serious about her" I said that made her smile. Jihyo noona knows all my expriences.

"Make it official, Dr. Myoui is great for you. Better than her" she said and I just smile at her.

Doctor of my life❤

Mina: Wait what? You can't come here?

Sorry :( I have lesson for the new recruits. You can still watch her concert if you want. She is your idol, right?

Mina: Yeah but it's more special if you with me. Besides you invite me first. By the way how come you get the ticket?

Tzuyu gave me the tickets. He said he can't watch since Dahyun is busy.

Mina: He can watch the concert with Sana though but she is very busy today. Okay I'm just stay here in hospital.

Okay see you if I can. Take care always

Mina: You too

I smiled at victory and get my bag. I just used that for my surprised. I walk out of my room and the new recruits is greeting me.

Jihyo noona already take my place for the lesson of the new recruits. She let me have the whole day tomorrow for Mina.

"Welcome back my son. How is work?" mom said and I hug her back. I came home first before I get to Tzuyu's condo later. I'm going to stay there for tonight since my little brother is going home tonight.

"I'm going eat dinner here and get some clothes at my room. I'm going to sleep at Tzuyu" I said while sitting at the couch.

"Okay let's eat so that when you can rest more" mom said and I noticed that daddy is missing.

"Where is dad?"

"He has a seminar at the hotel. He will come home tomorrow" she answered and we start eating. I miss mom's cook and I miss eating with my family.

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