Chapter 26: Birthday tragedy

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Chaeyoung's POV

It's been a week since I saw Mina. God knows how much I miss her. Sometimes we contact each other, we are been busy this days and Jihyo noona put all the patrols on me since Jungkook hyung got shot last time he patrols.

My birthday is going to be tomorrow and I already give my leave for tomorrow. Jihyo noona approved it but she said that I will treat her lunch before I'll go at the city. She can't go later at the dinner because she can't leave the base.

I thought that the case about the illegal hunters. But they still hunting around the area. The higher positions predict that they are belong in the big group or sindicate.

"How are you?" I asked Jungkook hyung while giving him the fruit that I bought earlier. He smiled at give me a thumbs up.

"I'm good Officer Son! The shot is far away from my organs so don't worry" he said and take a bite of apple.

"Anyway about the investigation, any news?" he askes and I sigh while remembering about the meeting earlier.

"They can't trace the motorcycle that bump into you and the person who shoot you. This case is getting in ny way to celebrate my birthday peacefully" I said that made him tap my shoulders.

"It's okay bro, just celebrate it tomorrow with your family and friends. Then after that come back here and continue our work" he said and I nodded my head.

I was packing my things when I heared a loud bang. The systems alarm ring around the base and I go out of my room.

"What happen?!" I shouted and the rangers face me.

"The park Officer they got raid by the group of armed civilian earlier. They bombed the mountains above" argh this is frustating me. I changed my clothes into my uniform and get my guns.

"Officer Son! The general request you and Officer Kang to investigate at the bombed area"


"I know Officer, but the general request you. I'm sorry to disapoint you but you need to follow" Jihyo noona said and I close my eyes. God my special day is tomorrow but I need to work.

"Okay Officer" I said and salute to her. I get my phone to text Mina and my parents that I can't be with them tomorrow. Priority first.


Someone's POV

"Make sure to bump all the military cars tomorrow" he said and I nodded my head. I smiled and get ready of my guns. Son Chaeyoung, Son Chaeyoung.

"Yes if I make that officer suffer what is my reward" He smiled and he show me a folder.

"80% of my company will belongs to you. Make sure to hit the car but don't kill him or else your sister will be mad at you" he said and nodded my head.

I will get my property


Chaeyoung's POV

"Officers take care make sure to push the emergency alarm for the back ups" the general said and we nodded our heads.

Me and Officer Kang get ready of our equipment and start the car. The whole ride is smoothly and we arrived at the area.

We take a few shots for the evidence and my heart broke when I saw the wildlife animals in ashes. How cruel are they. They killed this innocent animals. I will make sure to pay for what they did!

We heared a loud bang and we both get back at the car. We are about to drive back when another car bump us. I was driving the car and tries to dodge but another car bump in the right side of the car.

Third's person POV

Two cars are continously bumping Chaeyoung and Daniel. They try to get out of the situation but they can't.

Chaeyoung find a right spot to get away but to his surprised they are already at the edge of the mountain. They can see the river below and they tries to drive back but the two cars push them forward.

Daniel pushed the emergency alarm and too late to get out of the car. Their fall down to the river. Their car rolled down and the drivers of the two cars get out.

They smiled while watching Chaeyoung's car rolled down. The two immediately drive away before the back ups arrived.

Jihyo and her team arrive and they saw the car down at the river. Jihyo called the ambulance and they get down to check the two.

A tear fall down to her cheeks when she saw the body of Chaeyoung that full of blood. She check the other side and she saw Daniel that is full of blood also and trying to open his eyes.

"OFFICER KANG DO YOU HEAR ME?! OFFICER!" she shouted and he nodded his head. He started to cry and he point unconcious body of Chaeyoung.

"C-c-chaeyoung p-p-please"





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