Chapter 28: New life without her

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After 5 years

Chaeyoung's POV

"General Son good morning" Jungkook hyung said and I smiled at him. I punch his shoulders that made him laugh.

"Excuse me Officer are you excited? The ceremony is about to start and I'm not a general okay?"

"Not yet anyway congratulations for the promotion" he said and he put his arms around me. While we are walking, I saw my parents waving at me. I waved back and throw a flying kiss to them.

"Officer Son I mean General Son congratulations!" Jihyo noona said and I smiled at her. The program resume and they called my name.

"Please welcome the newest General of the arm force of the country. General Son Chaeyoung please give him a round of the applause" the retired General said and stand up.

"Congratulations Son I'm sure your father is so very proud of you" he said and I smiled at him. He give me his blessings being the head general of all unit.

Many things happen to me in 5 years. The incident that happen to me cause a lot of changes in my life. But I'm thankful that I am still alive and Officer Kang too.

"Congratulations!" I look back and I saw my two idiot bestfriend holding a banner. Gosh they are so silly.

"Thank you bros!" I said and give them a big hug.

"You are our new boss huh. I can't believe that this cub is going our boss" Dahyun hyung said that made us laugh. Well being a great soldier, the team of Jihyo noona caught the one who bump us and they admitted their sins.

But still I have hunchs that something is wrong. I can feel it, even now the illegal hunting is still going so we can't stop the investigation.

"Anyway we have a party later at the house. Want to join us?" I asked and they both nodded. I already made up with my brother so we are close now.

"Let's go mom and dad is waiting for us at the parking" he said and I get into our car since we only bring one car today. It's too hassle and it's bringing us more closer.

The party is started and a lot from the base came. They congratulate me and I smiles at them. I think I will be more stress in coming days since I will lead the all units. Gosh why I accept this?

"Bro I will not drink more mg wife is gonna kill me" Tzuyu said and I laugh at him. This boy is already married with Sana of course, Tzuyu is so in love with her. I also heard that she is already pregnant.

"Yeah you can go now if you want" I said and he shook his head.

"Don't worry Sana already knows that I am here. Mom is at the house so no worries" he said and he talk to our other guest.

I look around and I saw Dahyun hyung flirting with other girls. If Tzuyu is married that white tofu guy is a heart broken. Dahyun hyung and Momo noona broke up last 4 years and I don't know their reason.

I just knew that they are already broke up and he start being like this. He said he will never love again and he will more focus on his work.

I smiled bitterly when I remember someone. I hope she is fine, I'm not angry with her. I'm just upset since she decide that thing without consulting me. I realized that I am injured that time. Gosh I almost died but thankfully I survive and the doctors is amazed that I don't suffer amnesia. Officer Kang should I say Daniel is fine now.

He is happily dating Jihyo noona and I am happy about that. I smiled bitterly, if she didn't leave what will happen to us now?

I admit that I still love her, I tried to message her but she never replied to me. I stop messaging and here waiting for her. Dad said to me that she will come back, I chuckled. She will come back but when?

"Bro bro" Tzuyu said and I look back. He is panicking and I start to panic too.

"What happen?" I asked and his tears start to fall.

"Sana is in labor right now" he said and I called Dahyun to bring Tzuyu at the hospital. I text my brother to say that we are going to hospital. Dahyun is the one who is driving.

"Calm down Tzu" I said and he nodded. He can't stop looking around and I look at him. We are alreadt arrived at the hospital and we rushed to the operating room.

"Tzuyu oh my god you are here" his mother said and she hug Tzuyu so tight. We bow to her and smiled. One of the nurses came out and she said that Tzuyu needs to get inside for the support.

"Thank you Dahyun and Chaeyounh for bringing Tzuyu here"

"It's okay, I'll get some drinks" I said and stand up. I check if I bring my wallet thank god I bring it with me.

I go out of the hospital and look for the nearest convience store. I get inside and for the water. While I was getting a bottled water when I saw a kid that is looking at the strawberry flavored milk drink.

"I want strawberry" he said while sighing. I chuckled how cute he is and I walk towards him.

"Do you want that?" I asked and he look at me. He looks so shocked to see me and slowly nodded his head. I chuckled again because he is so cute.

"Where is your mother? Or your father? Why are you alone?" I asked him and he look at me. His eyes is shining and it looks beautiful.

"Many questions" he said that made me laugh. He start to laugh too and I bought him the drink.

We are drinking the strawberry flavored drink. When he asked something.

"Do you like strawberry Mr. Dimples?" I choked on my drink when he called me Mr. Dimples.

"Mr. Dimples?"

"Yeah you have dimples" he said while drinking his milk

"I like strawberry, do you like it too?" I asked and he nodded his head. He is too talkative.

"Yeah my favorite is strawberry"

"How old are you? Why are here?" I asked again and he playfully glare at me.

"I'm 4 years old and I don't know where is my uncle he left me here" he said and he finish his milk. I smiled how cute and handsome this boy is.

"You know you are kind of talkative" I said that made him giggle. I smiled while admiring his adorable eye smile.

"Thank you for the compliment Mr. Dimples"

"What is your-" I got cut off when a guy run towards us. Oh maybe he is the father.

"There you are, I'm sorry for the trouble and thank you for keeping him" he said and he bow to me. I bow too and I just tap his shoulder.

"No it's okay, just be careful. And don't lost this boy again" I said and he nodded his head. The boy turn his look at me and bow his head.

"Thank you for giving me the milk. It was delicious. Goodbye Mr. Dimples" he said and they bid their goodbye to me. I looked at them while walking holding hands.

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