Chapter 17: Unsure Feelings

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Chaeyoung's POV

Mina choked again on her drink that made me laugh. I think she misunderstand my answer.


"I mean if I tell a girl the word I like you meaning I'm serious" I explained and she nodded her head. I noticed how red her cheeks are, I chuckled and I fix our things.

"Do you still love her?" she asked and I look at her. Out of the nowhere she asked that.

"Uhm I think? I don't know"

"Huh? You can't recognized your own feelings?" I chuckled and I look at sky. The stars are pretty tonight.

"Well something came up that made me doubt about my feelings" I said and look at her. Our eyes met and this feeling again. The feeling that I felt 2 years ago.

"Someome caught my attention that made me stop all the things that I used to do. I don't understand my feelings if it is love or not but I know to myself that she is different" I continue while looking at her. I hope that she feel that I was referring about her. I'm still not sure about my feelings since my past is still passing by my head.

"A-ah okay, I will go to sleep now" she said and she close her tent. I try to close my eyes but I can't sleep because of the cold weather today. Slowly I fall asleep.

Mina's POV

What is happening to you Mina, argh why I can't stop thinking about him. Honestly he is handsome but still he is a playboy. He is not playboy right now. I try to sleep but I can't, I sit up and read again the book I was reading.

I open my tent check if he is already asleep now but I saw him shivering in cold while hugging himself. I already told him that he should sleep at his jeep.

I stand up and try to wake him up. He open his eyes and sit straight.

"What?" he asked and he looks hot right now. Wait what?! Gosh Mina stop there okay.

"Uhm you can share tent with me. My tent is little big we can fit" I said that made him wided his eyes. He looks cute-stop Mina.

"No I'm okay here. Just sleep" he said and I still inist him to join me in the tent. He has no choice but to follow me.

I put a pillow between us. He is already sleeping and I can see his face up close. He has this cute mole on his left lower lip. I don't know what I'm feeling to you. Should I go for it? I'm afriad that I will get hurt to you like what he did to me. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Chaeyoung's POV

I open my eyes and I saw Mina sleeping peacefully. She looks like an angel when sleeping, she is so soft and kind. I pat her head and touch her hair. Maybe I like you already? I don't know but I'm sure to myself that I want to protect you and cherish.

Don't worry if I can talk to her next week I will give up everything about her and me. And I will know you better as a woman not as Dr. Myoui. I fall asleep while my hand is still on her face.

Third's person point of view

"Officer Son Chaeyoung I will make sure that you will pay for what you did. You and your father will pay for now you first" the man said and he look at Chaeyoung's picture.

"Your sister is already here sir" his assistant said and then his door open apearing his little sister.

"I heared at you are messing with Chaeyoung? Stop what you are doing!" she said that made him angry. He throw the glass of whiskey and he point his gun at Chaeyoung's picture.

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