Vol. 1 Ch. 6 Hitting On Ice

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Your POV

My team and I were sitting in the cafeteria, having lunch. I looked over at Weiss and said, "So Weiss, I was thinking that maybe you and I could go out to that new restaurant in Vale tonight. Just the two of us?" Weiss scoffed and said, "How many times do I have to tell you? I'd never date someone like you!" I smirked and said, "Are you sure? I feel like you and I would be perfect together, Ice Princess." She got furious and said, "And stop calling me that!" Then she stormed off.

Yang looked at me and said, "Still haven't given up, have you?" I smirked and said, "Nope! I know that she likes me, even if she doesn't know it yet." Yang smiled and I went back to the dorm. I found Weiss inside, studying. I smirked and said, "Weiss, are you sure that you don't want to go out with me?" Annoyed, she groaned and said, "You are probably the most determined and annoying person I've ever met. But my answer is still no."

I sighed and said, "Fine, but if you do ever change your mind, my offer still stands." She rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever. Now let me study in peace, you dolt." I replied, "As you wish." Then I left the dorm.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo eating ice cream)

I went to the bathroom, changed into a pair of blue shorts and white tank top, then headed to the gym. I went over to the weights and started to bench press some weights. As I added a couple more pounds to the bar, I heard someone walk in and a familiar voice say, "Hello, Y/N!" I looked up and saw Pyrrha walking into the room. I smiled and said, "Hey, Pyrrha." She smiled and asked, "You need someone to spot you?" I nodded and said, "Sure, I'd appreciate that." She came over to spot me and I started bench pressing again.

When I finished bench pressing, I heard Pyrrha let out a sigh. I looked at her and said, "If something's bothering you, I'm all ears." She smiled and said, "It's Jaune. No matter how much I care about him, he's in love with Weiss." I froze and said, "Well, why not just be honest and tell him how you feel. Maybe then you two can be together." Pyrrha looked up at me and said, "You know what, you're right. Thanks, Y/N." I smirked and said, "Anytime, Pyrrha. Anytime."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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