Vol. 1 Ch. 7 Confession

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Your POV

Pyrrha and I were training Jaune on the roof. When we stopped for a break, I turned to Pyrrha and whispered, "Now would be a great time to tell Jaune how you feel about him." She was taken aback with shock and said out loud, "Y/N! I'll tell him when I'm ready!" I crossed my arms and said, "I understand, but the longer you wait, the farther he'll drift away." Pyrrha scowled and said, "I know!"

Then Jaune interrupted us and said, "Break it up, both of you! What are you two even arguing about?!" Pyrrha looked away, blushing and I said, "Pyrrha has something that she wants to tell you." She responded and said, "No, I don't!" I groaned and said, "If you don't tell him, Pyrrha, I will!" Jaune crossed his arms and said, "Tell me what?" Pyrrha looked away embarrassed and I said, "Jaune, Pyrrha's has feelings for you!" Jaune looked at me confused and said, "I'm confused, what do you mean?" Pyrrha spoke up and said, "What he means is that... I-I love you, Jaune."

Jaune looked at her and said, "Pyrrha? You're joking, right? There's no way that you can feel that way about me. I mean I'm a nobody compared to you." She went up to Jaune and said, "You're wrong, Jaune. I've always had feelings for you since the day we first met." Suddenly, Pyrrha grabbed Jaune's head in both hands and silenced him with a long kiss on the lips. After a moment of hesitation, he gently pulled her in and returned the kiss, while Pyrrha slightly raised her foot behind her.

When they pulled apart, Jaune said, "Oh my god, Pyrrha. I had no idea that you felt that way about me. I'm so sorry." Pyrrha smiled and said, "I'm sorry for not saying something sooner." Jaune nodded and said, "Pyrrha, will you forgive me and be my girlfriend?" She smiled and said, "I'd love to date you!" Then they kissed again and I said to myself, "And my job here is done." I turned and started to head back to my dorm, but I heard a voice behind say, "Hold up, where do you think you're going?" I stopped and heard Pyrrha continue, "Y/N, you're responsible for getting Jaune and I together. So what I'm about to do is my way of saying how much I want to thank you." Confused, I said, "What do you me─" I was interrupted by Pyrrha kissing me on the cheek.

I stood there in shock and she said, "Thanks, Y/N. Yang and Ruby are so lucky to have a brother like you." Then she went over to Jaune, intertwined her fingers with his, and they walked away. I shook my head, came to my senses, and headed back to my dorm. Once I got there, I got changed into a pair shorts and climbed into bed. Yang looked at me and said, "Y/N, you seem off. What's the matter?" I looked at my sister and said, "Well, for one, Pyrrha kissed me on the cheek." Yang smirked and said, "You lucky dog!" I rolled my eyes and said, "Not like that. It was her way of saying thank you." Yang looked at me confused and asked, "For what?" I sighed and said, "For getting her and Jaune together as a couple." Yang smiled and said, "Well it's about time they got together. Good job, bro." I nodded and went to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. So now that Jaune and Pyrrha are together, Weiss won't have to deal with Jaune asking her out later on.
Master out.

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