Vol. 3 Ch. 27 Beacon Falls

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Your POV

I was in the library when I heard a sudden growl from behind me. Out of pure instinct, I pulled out Burnout and Smokey, transformed them into their Dagger configuration and stabbed the thing behind me. Then I turned and saw that I had killed a small Beowolf. Before I could question how it got in, I saw one of the walls of the library burst open, revealing members of the White Fang releasing Grimm into the school. I ran towards my dorm to get my twin sister as backup. As I ran in, Yang stared at me, slightly startled, and said, "Whoa! Calm down, bro. What is it?" I looked at her and said, "Grab Ember Celica, you're going to need them." She looked at me confused and asked, "Why?"

I replied, "Because Beacon is under attack. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school." Yang went wide-eyed and grabbed her gauntlets. I turned to Zwei and said, "Hey, boy, you ready to fight some Grimm?" He barked twice in response. Then we both heard something bang on the door. I transformed Burnout and Smokey into their Revolver configuration and held them up, ready to fire. I smirked and said to Yang, "You ready to kick some Grimm butt?" She smirked and replied, "Always!" Then a Beowolf busted down the door. We killed it and ran out of the dorm. As we were fighting off any Grimm in our way, Yang and I tried calling Ruby, but she didn't answer.

Suddenly, Yang's Scroll rang and it was Blake, who said, "Yang, are you okay?" Yang replied, "I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her Scroll." Blake answered, "No, she isn't." At those words, Yang and I both stopped in our tracks with a worried expression on our face. Then Blake said, "Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself." Yang closed her eyes and curled her fist into a ball and said hesitantly, "Right." Yang and I continued forward with Zwei and turned the next corner of the hallways. Weiss said, "This can't be happening. Penny..." I spoke up and said, "Yang and I are headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!" Blake was alarmed and replied, "The White Fang is here!?" More Grimm approached us and started growling, and Blake yelled, "Yang! Y/N!" Yang replied, "Ugh! Gotta go!" I said, "Be careful! Weiss, I love you!" She replied, "I love you too." Then the call ended.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Cinder marveling over how well her nefarious plans are going)

After Yang and I got separated, I found Weiss and some other students fighting against a rogue Atlesian Paladin. I rushed to help. I ran at it with Burnout and Smokey in their Dagger configuration, jumped up, and stabbed them into the side of the Paladin. Then the Paladin grabbed me and slammed me into the ground, knocking me unconscious.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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