Vol. 3 Ch. 26 Unexpected Things

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Your POV

I was in the restroom before Yang's match, when I saw a girl with black hair and green eyes walked in. I raised an eyebrow and said, "Excuse me, but you're in the wrong restroom." For a split second, I thought I saw her eyes briefly flicker from green to brown and pink for a second. Then the girl smirked and punched me in the face, knocking me out in the process.

When I regained consciousness, I walked out of the restroom and found the rest of the arena deserted. I scratched my head and saw one last Bullhead about to leave the arena. I ran over to it and got on right as it took off. I went back to my dorm and found two Atlesian Knight-200s standing guard outside of my dorm. I went to enter but one of them shoved me into the wall opposite the door to my dorm. Then that one said, "No unauthorized personnel are allowed to visit the assailant." 

I grabbed the arms of the Atlesian Knight-200 and said, "What assailant? What do you mean by unauthorized personnel? This is my dorm!" Just then, the door opened and I saw Ruby, Blake, and Weiss exit the dorm. Once they got the Atlesian Knight-200 off of me, Weiss slapped me across the face and said, "Explain yourself!" I looked at her confused and said, "What do you mean?" She crossed her arms and said, "Why did you miss your own twin sister's match?" I replied, "I didn't mean to. I was in the bathroom before the match, when some random girl came in and knocked me out. When I came to, the arena was empty. What happened? Where's Yang?"

They explained to me what happened at the conclusion of the match. I was furious and said, "I know Yang better than anyone besides my dad, she'd never attack someone unless she was provoked." Weiss, Ruby, and Blake looked at me and Ruby said, "We know, Y/N. It doesn't matter now, Ironwood said that we were disqualified from the tournament." I sighed and said, "Fine. Is Yang in there?" They nodded and I said, "Okay, I'm going to talk with her for a bit. Then I'll head to the arena for Pyrrha's match." They nodded and left. I opened the door and saw Yang sitting on Weiss and I's bed. I sat down next to her and said, "Sorry for what happened." She looked at me and said, "He attacked me first." I placed my hand on my twin's shoulder and said, "I believe you. I know that you would never attack someone unless you were provoked." Yang turned and hugged me. I hugged her back and she said, "I'm so glad I have someone like you as my twin brother. I love you, bro." I smiled and said, "I love you too, sis." Then I said, "Are you okay if I go with Ruby to watch the Pyrrha's match?" Yang smiled and said, "I'll be fine. Besides I think it'd be best if someone kept an eye on Ruby." I smiled and said, "I agree. I'll see you later, sis."

I left the dorm and saw Uncle Qrow standing there. I looked at him and said, "Hey, Uncle Qrow." He smirked and said, "Hey, Kiddo. You know when Oz told me about your little mission and about your eye, I was kinda surprised. But then I got a message from someone who protected you until the Bullhead arrived." I looked at him confused and said, "Who?" He chuckled and said, "Your mother. She also told me to give you a message. She wanted me to tell you that she saved you once, but you shouldn't expect that kindness again. Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. And she's dangerous. Oh, and one more thing, Raven let some info slip before she took off. If you ever wanna track her down, I think I might be able to help." After he finished, I said, "Thanks, Uncle Qrow." He nodded and walked off. Then I went to the library to think over everything he had told me. I sat down in a chair and thought, My mom protected me, but didn't stick around. Why am I not surprised?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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