Vol. 2 Ch. 16 Change Of Plans

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Your POV

After Ozpin finished his speech, Miss Goodwitch walked over to me and said, "Mr. Xiao Long, I need to have a word with you in private." I turned to my sisters, my girlfriend, and Blake and said, "You four go pick a mission, I'll be right back." I followed Miss Goodwitch into a nearby classroom. She pushed her glasses up and said, "Now, Mr. Xiao Long, I've received some news from the doctor about your eye. Apparently it has a feature that will allow you to scan for nearby Grimm and identify what kind they are." I looked at her shocked and said, "Really?"

Miss Goodwitch frowned and said, "No, I was being sarcastic. Professor Ozpin wanted me to tell you that since you already went on a mission for him, you need to stay on campus while the other students are going on their missions. It wouldn't be fair for a first-year student to get to go on 2 missions in their first year." I looked down and said, "I see. Well, can I at least see them off?" She nodded and said, "Of course." I sighed and met up with my team.

Weiss noticed that I was upset about something and she said, "Fireball, what's wrong?" I looked up and said, "Fireball?" She crossed her arms and said, "You always call me Snowflake, so I'll call you Fireball. Anyways, you look upset about something, what is it?" I sighed and said, "It's best if I told the whole team at once." Weiss grabbed my arm and said, "Okay, Y/N, now you're starting to scare me." We went up to the others and Ruby said, "Oh, there you are, big bro! Ready to go?" I sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I can't."

Weiss tightened her grip on my arm and Yang said, "What do you mean, bro?" I sighed again and replied, "Since I already went on a mission for Professor Ozpin, I have to stay on campus while you girls get to go on a mission, since it wouldn't be fair for a first-year student to get to go on 2 missions in their first year." They all nodded in agreement and I said, "Luckily, I'll have Zwei to keep me company while you're gone." As soon as I said this, Ruby's eyes widened and she quickly looked away. I decided to ignore it and Weiss said, "I'm sorry that you can't join us. I'll miss you." I kissed her forehead and said, "I'll miss you too, baby. Stay safe, girls. And Yang?" She turned to me and said, "Yeah, bro?" I smiled and said, "Keep an eye on Ruby." Yang nodded and said, "Always."

Then the four girls got on a Bullhead. I waved to them as they took off. I went back to the dorm and said as I opened the door, "Where's my favorite little corgi?" When I didn't see or hear Zwei in the room, I looked around the room and said, "Zwei?" Then it hit me and I yelled, "GOD DAMMIT, RUBY!"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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