Vol. 4 Ch. 30 Awakening

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Your POV

I woke up with a headache and wondered where I was, until I realized I was at back home. I went to stand up, but my legs were so stiff, I fell onto the floor. Damn, I thought. I must've been out for a while, I can barely stand! Then Dad walked into the room and said, "Oh God, you're awake!" He ran towards me, help me up onto the bed, and said, "Easy there, son, don't push yourself. You've been in a coma for a past couple of months." I nodded and said, "How's Yang and Ruby?" Dad scratched his head and said, "Ruby left a couple months ago. But Yang... she's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. But your twin sister is too strong to let this stop her." I raised an eyebrow and asked, "To let what stop her?"

Dad let out a sigh and replied, "While fighting during what's now being called the Fall of Beacon, Yang lost her arm. She's doing okay, but like I said, it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. But I'm sure that you being awake is going to help some." I nodded and asked, "So how long have I been out?" Dad pinched the bridge of his nose and replied, "You've been in a coma for almost 3 months." I looked down and said, "I see. Well, can I see her?" Dad smiled and said, "Of course, just take it slowly on getting up." I nodded and got up slower than the first time. Once I had regained my balance, I went to Yang's room and stood at the door. Yang had her back to the door, so I knocked on the opened door. Yang responded, saying, "I don't want to see anyone right now, Dad." I smirked, crossed my arms, and said, "Not even me?"

Yang turned around and started to cry once she saw me. Then she said with a shaky voice, "Y-Y/N?" I smiled and said, "Hey, sis." Yang held her hand over her mouth and said, "I'm so glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" I smiled and said, "I'm fine. I think I should be asking you the same question." Yang sighed and said, "I'm doing the best I can." I rolled my eyes, sat down next to her, and said, "Please don't lie to me, sis. I can always tell when you're lying, especially to me. Besides I've lost an eye before, so I kinda know how you feel. I struggled a lot with getting used to having a robotic eye." Yang frowned and said, "But you were always happy."

I looked down and said, "No, I wasn't. I was holding it all in. But it did hurt me and eventually got to be too much for me. I hit my breaking point when I heard Weiss ask Neptune to the dance. Then I ended up taking it out on you that night. But I never told anyone, not you, not Ruby, nor Weiss. I kept in all in. But you shouldn't repeat my mistakes. Trust me, I regret it all. When Weiss and I started dating, it helped me push past the fact the a part of me was never going to be the same as it used to. But that it would be better." I let out a sigh and Yang said, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I had no idea." I chuckled slightly and said, "That's because I did a great job of hiding it."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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