Vol. 4 Ch. 31 Nighttime Confession

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Your POV

I was walking through Beacon and saw Cinder standing by herself. She turned to me and smiled menacingly. Then I was attacked by multiple Ursa Majors and Alpha Beowolves. I went to grab Burnout and Smokey, but they weren't in their holsters. An Ursa Major pounced on me and started clawing at my body. Some Beowolves started to sink their jaws into my legs. I screamed in pain. I used my semblance to summon fireballs to defeat the Grimm attacking me. Cinder drew a bow and said, "I think it's time you join your dear friend Pyrrha. It's such a shame that you were alone at such a bad time." Then she shot me with an arrow in the heart. Then Cinder laughed maniacally.

I woke up in a cold sweat and was breathing heavily. I got up and went to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face. I looked up at myself in the mirror and glanced at the scars across my left eye. Then I glanced down at the scar across my chest from a Beowolf that attacked me on the same mission. I walked downstairs and outside. I sat down on the porch steps. I looked up at the shattered Moon. I sighed and said to myself, "I miss you, Snowflake."

Weiss' POV

I was awake and thought to myself, I miss feeling the warmth of sleeping with Y/N, with him holding me tightly in his arms. He always made me feel safe in his grasp. I got up and went to my balcony, looked up at the shattered Moon, and said to myself, "I miss you, Fireball."

Your POV

I sat there and enjoyed the cool night breeze against my bare chest. Then I heard the door open and close behind me. I turned and saw Yang sit down next to me. I looked at her and said, "Sorry if I woke you." She smiled warmly and said, "You didn't, I had a bad dream." I nodded and said, "Same here. But that's not all." She nodded and said, "You miss her, don't you?" I felt a tear roll down my face and I said, "Am I that obvious?" Yang smiled and said, "When it comes to Weiss, it's kinda obvious that you two are perfect for each other." I felt more tears go down my face and I said, "Yeah, I miss her more than anything. I love her so much and I didn't even get to say goodbye." I broke down into tears. Yang put her arm around me and said, "I know. Let it all out, bro."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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