Vol. 1 Ch. 9 The Search

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Your POV

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and I were walking through town and calling in vain for our missing teammate. Ruby continued to scream, yelling, "Blaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?" Yang called out, "Blake!" I yelled, "Blake, please come back!" Then Ruby turned to Weiss and said, "Weiiiiss, you're not helping!" Weiss replied, "Oh! You know what might be able to help? The police!" Ruby crossed her arms in irritation and said, "Ugh, Weiss..." Weiss said, "It was just an idea!" Ruby replied, "Yeah, a bad one."

I was following behind my twin sister, who was behind Ruby, and I said, "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions." Weiss, who was behind me, said, "I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!" Then a female voice said from behind Weiss, "And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!" Ruby turned around suddenly with us in surprise and said, "Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?"

Penny cheerfully ignored the question and said, "Hey guys! What are you up to?" I answered, "We're looking for our friend Blake." Penny responded, "Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!" The four of us stared at Penny and Ruby asked, "Wait, how did you know that?" Penny pointed to her head and answered, "Uhh, the cat ears?" Yang laughed a little and said, "What cat ears? She wears a... boooohhh..." The realization leaves us in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind. Ruby whispered, "She does like tuna a lot..."

Then Penny asked, "So, where is she?" While Ruby was distracted by Penny, I turned to Yang and Weiss and whispered, "Let's get away while we can." They nodded as we sneaked away from Ruby and Penny.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neptune flirting with Chibi Cinder)

I looked at Weiss and said, "You really don't care if we find her, do you?" Weiss replied, "Don't be stupid; of course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her. The innocent never run, Y/N." I went over to her and said, "Maybe Blake ran because she was scared of how we would react. She probably had her reasons why she didn't tell us. Weiss, you should try to see how others might view certain situations. People keep secrets for their own reasons. There's a couple things that I've never told anyone, not even Yang."

Weiss' POV

As Y/N walked into another bookstore to ask about Blake, I thought to myself, He's right. But what would Y/N not tell anyone, not even his own twin sister?

Your POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Yang riding Bumblebee)

We found Ruby, Penny, Blake, and the monkey Faunus from the other day at the docks. As we approached them, Ruby began speaking quickly to explain the situation, saying, "Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..." Weiss ignored her and squared off with Blake. Blake calmly looked her down and said, "Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the─"

Weiss cut her off and said, "Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?" She paused and said, "Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided..." Yang, the monkey Faunus, Sun, Ruby and I looked on, worried, and Weiss said, "I don't care."

Surprised, Blake said, "You don't care?" Weiss asked, "You said you're not one of them anymore, right?" Blake replied, "No, I-I haven't been since I was younger─" Weiss silenced her and said, "Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..." Weiss looked at Sun behind her as she catches herself and continued, "Someone else."

Blake looked at Ruby, Yang, and I grinning at her, she wipes a tear from her eye, nodding and said, "Of course." Weiss smiled and nodded. The moment is serious for a second more until Ruby waved her arms wildly and said, "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!" Weiss pointed accusingly at Sun and said, "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" Ruby looked around and said, "Hey, wait a minute... Where's Penny?"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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