Vol. 1 Ch. 8 Faunus Fiasco

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Your POV

I was woken up by someone shaking me. I yawned as I opened my eyes and saw Weiss shaking me. I looked at her and said, "I'm awake! I'm awake! Jeez, Snowflake, what was so important that you had to wake me up? Did you finally decide to confess your true feelings for me?" She slapped me across the face and said, "No, you dolt! The five of us of going to the docks today and you were the only one still asleep. And when will you get it through your thick skull, I don't like you and I would never date a dunce such as yourself! Now get dressed, you dolt!" Then she stormed off and I got dressed.

My team and I were walking through Vale and we all looked across the street from the docks and saw the shattered windows of another dust shop with caution tape covering the windows and entrance of the store. As we all walked over to the store, I saw 2 detectives examining the crime scene. Ruby asked them, "What happened here?" The detectives told us it was a robbery and one of the detectives thought it was the White Fang.

As we were walking away, Weiss spoke up and said, "The White Fang, what an awful bunch of degenerates." Blake responded, "What's your problem?" Weiss answered, "My problem is I simply don't care for the criminally insane." Blake seemed to get defensive as she said, "The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided faunus." Weiss was furious and said, "Misguided?!? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet." Blake replied, "So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!"

Then Ruby said, "Also, the police never caught that Torchwick guy that I ran into a few months ago. Maybe it was him." Weiss then said, "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal." Yang responded, "That's not necessarily true." Then we all heard someone scream, "Hey, stop that faunus!" We all ran back over to the docks to see what all of the commotion is about. We saw a monkey faunus running towards the edge of the ship that he is on as two other sailors run to catch him. Then he said, "Thanks for the ride, you guys." He jumps off the boat and lands on the docks, still running away from the sailors or any other authorities. Sailor then yelled, "You no-good stowaway!!!" The faunus replied, "Hey, a no-good stowaway would've been caught. I'm a great stowaway!"

As he says this he peels and eats a banana while hanging upside down on a lamppost. A detective looks up at him and said, "Hey, get down from there this instant!" He simply just throws the banana peel on the detective's face which makes him growl. The monkey faunus then curls up on top of the lamppost and jumps back onto the dock again. He runs up the stairs and past all of us before we could do anything. Then I said, "Well, Snowflake, you wanted to see the competition and there it goes." Weiss said, "Quick, we have to observe him!"

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Sun surfing)

After Blake ran off, I turned to Weiss and said, "Nice job, Weiss." Weiss looked at me shocked and said, "What's that supposed to mean? We had a White Fang member right in front of us this whole time. How could she keep this from us?" I rolled my eyes and said, "Well, I'm sure she had her reasons."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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