Vol. 2 Ch. 11 Brother's Return

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Yang's POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo preparing the Death Ray)

After Roman and his new henchman got away, we went back to the dorms. After we had gotten changed into our sleepwear, Ruby said, "Yang, wasn't our brother supposed to be back by now?" I thought to myself for a second and replied, "Yeah, I think so. Hopefully he'll be back by tomorrow. If not, I'll ask Professor Ozpin." She nodded and went to sleep.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I got down from my bed and answered the door. I saw Miss Goodwitch standing there. I looked at her and said, "Can I help you Professor?" She pushed her glasses up and said, "I need you to come with me, and bring Ms. Rose, it concerns her too." I nodded and woke up my sister. She rubbed her eyes and said sleepily, "What is it?" I looked at her and said, "Miss Goodwitch needs us." Ruby yawned and followed me out of the dorm. We followed Miss Goodwitch who led us to the infirmary and stopped outside of a door.

She turned to us and said, "As you two may know, your brother went on a short little mission for Professor Ozpin a couple days ago. Well, he returned earlier today, but unfortunately he didn't come back unscathed. He was attacked by an Ursa Major and lost all function and vision in his left eye. Now luckily, the doctors were able to replace his eye with a robotic replacement. It'll take him some time to get used to it, but once he's recovered, the new eye will function just like a normal eye. The eye might slightly stand out from his normal eye."

Ruby started tearing up and said, "Is he going to be okay?" Miss Goodwitch knelt down and said, "Your brother will be fine, he hasn't regained consciousness yet. You two are allowed to see him for a few minutes now. But you'll have to come back tomorrow if you want to be with him longer." We both nodded and went into the room. We saw him lying on the hospital bed with a eyepatch bandage over his left eye. Ruby turned and cried into my tank top. I wrapped my arm around her and said, "Shh. It's okay, Ruby. Y/N is strong, he'll get through this."

Eventually we went back to our dorm

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Eventually we went back to our dorm. When we got there, Ruby asked, "Yang, can I sleep with you tonight?" I smiled warmly and replied, "Of course, you can." She crawled onto my bed next to me. I put my arm around her and we both went to sleep.

The Next Day

Ruby had been clinging to my side all morning and said, "Can we please go see him?" Weiss spoke up and said, "Go see who?" I sighed and said, "Our brother returned yesterday. He had gone on a short little mission for Ozpin. But he lost his left eye in the process. The doctors got him a robotic replacement eye to use but he wasn't awake when Miss Goodwitch brought us to him last night." Weiss looked shocked and said, "I see, while I think it'd be best if we all visited him as a team."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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