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Your POV

10 Years Later

I got back home to Atlas and was greeted by my favorite butler Klein. He said to me, "Welcome home, Mr. Schnee. I'm sure Mrs. Schnee will be most delighted to see you." I smiled and said, "Klein, how many times do I have to tell you, you can call me Y/N." We both chuckled and I said, "It's great to see you again, Klein. Where might I find my lovely Snowflake?" Klein smiled and replied, "I believe that she is in the library." I nodded and said, "Thanks, Klein." He smiled and said, "Not a problem, Y/N."

I went to the library of the Schnee Manor and found my lovely wife sitting in a chair with a book on her face. I walked over to her and realized that she was asleep. I chuckled slightly at the memory of me doing the same thing back at Beacon. I set the book on the table and gently woke her up. Her beautiful light blue eyes fluttered open and I said, "Hey, Snowflake." She smiled and said, "Hey, Fireball." Weiss threw her arms around me and we shared a passionate kiss. When we pulled away, I asked, "Where are the kids?" She smiled and said, "I think they're watching TV in the lounge. I think they'd be excited to see that their dad is back from his mission." I smirked and said, "You're right. I miss them." Weiss got up and held my hand as we walked towards the lounge.

We went in and Weiss said, "Hey, kids. Guess who's back?" They turned, saw me, and screamed, "Daddy!" Then they ran over to me. I saw my 6-year-old daughter, Flora Schnee. She had my blue eyes and Weiss' pale skin. Then I saw my 4-year-old son, Snow Schnee. He had Weiss' light blue eyes and my fair skin. Both of them had Weiss' white hair. I hugged them and asked, "How are my two little bundles of joy?" They both yawned and said, "We're tired, Daddy." I smiled and picked up my son. Weiss and I took our kids to their rooms. After they fell asleep, Weiss and I went to our room and laid down in bed together.

I turned to Weiss and said, "I'm so glad I met you, Weiss. I love you." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Y/N." Then we kissed and started to have a slightly heated makeout session. We pulled away and I said, "So, how have you been since I left for the mission?" She smiled and said, "I've been fine. I actually found out something earlier today." I looked at her and asked, "What is it?" She smiled and said, "I'm pregnant again." I smiled and hugged her tightly. Then I said, "I'm so glad. I can't believe that we're having another baby! I love you, Weiss." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Y/N."

The End

I hope you all enjoyed this book. Unfortunately, there was a 3-way tie for the voting. So for the tiebreaker, I will list only those 3 choices. The choices are:

Nora Valkyrie


Velvet Scarlatina

I'll wait about a week or two before counting the votes, so please vote.
Master out.

Flirting With Ice: Weiss Schnee X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now