Vol. 5 Ch. 38 Reconnecting

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3rd Person POV

Ruby grabs the tea tray and heads to the living room while Ren continues to cook. Ruby looked at the tea tray and said, "So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it." She looked up, and gasped as she dropped the tea tray and its contents, which shatter on the floor. She stared in disbelief at the sight of not only Qrow, but of her older sister Yang, her older brother Y/N, and her teammate Weiss. Yang and Y/N approached their little sister.

Ruby said, with her voice cracking, "Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I-I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd─I just..." Tears started pouring from her eyes as Ruby said, "I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and─" Suddenly, her big sister gave her a strong hug. Ruby's lips quivered, and she looked toward her sister. Yang said, "I love you." Then tears streamed from her eyes as well. Ruby sobbed as she leans into her sister's hug and said, "I love you too." Then Ruby turned to her older brother, hugged him tightly, and said, "I'm sorry I left before you woke up. I should've stayed. I'm so glad you're okay." He hugged her back and said, "It's okay, sis. I'm glad you're okay as well." Then Yang joined her twin brother and half sister in their hug.

Jaune, Ren and Nora entered the room, smiling at the sight of the three siblings embracing each other. Qrow smiled as well. Oscar Pine entered the room and said, "Uh..." He looked up, seeing Ruby, Yang, and Y/N hugging, and smiled. Weiss smiled as she wiped a tear from her eye, before frowning while looking down. Then Y/N said, "Weiss." Weiss looked up, and saw the two sisters and her boyfriend open their arms up for her. She smiled and eagerly joined them in their hug. Everyone smiles as they watch four of the five members of Team RWBY embraced.

Your POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Nora eating all of the food)

After we all were caught up with everything that was going on, we all started to go upstairs to sleep. Weiss stopped me and said, "I know it's been awhile, but would you mind if we slept together again?" I smiled and said, "Of course, Snowflake." She smiled and we both went to a room that we could have to ourselves. I shut the door and Weiss said, "Hey, Y/N. I've missed you so much and p-part of me w-wants t-to..." She trailed off and I asked, "Wants to what?" Weiss started blushing a dark crimson red and she said, "Wants to have sex with you." I smiled warmly and said, "If you want to, then I'd be more than happy for you to be my first." She gasped slightly and said, "It would be my first time too.

I locked the door, went over to the bed, sat down next to Weiss, and said, "I love you, Weiss." She replied, "I love you too, Y/N." Then we shared a passionate kiss together. I licked Weiss' lips for access, which she hesitantly allowed. Then our tongues fought for dominance, my tongue won and I explored every single inch of her mouth. I let her do the same with her tongue. My tongue danced with hers, and we both got into an intense makeout session. We pulled away from the kiss, leaving a long, silvery trail of saliva between us. Weiss slipped my boxers off and said, "Wow, you're so big." I smirked and then Weiss started sucking my cock. She bobbed her head up and down. Then I said, "Weiss! I'm gonna cum!" I released my seed in her mouth and she swallowed it instantly.

Then I took off her dress, tossed it across the room, and began licking and sucking on her nipples, causing her to moan. I take off her panties and tossed them across the room too. I lined up my dick with her pussy and said, "Are you sure that you really want to do this?" She nodded and said, "Yes, Y/N. I want it. I want you to make me yours." I nodded and said, "This may hurt a little at first." She nodded and I slowly went inside her. She winced in pain and I saw a few tears run down her face. I wiped them away with my hand and said, "Take your time, let me know when you're ready."

After a few minutes, Weiss started to move her hips a little. I looked into her eyes and she nodded. Then I pulled out and slam into her and she moans my name. I started to thrust in and out of her pussy. She moaned and says, "This feels way better than I imagined it would. Oohhh! Fuck me harder!! Faster!" I started to go faster and harder with each moan. She starts to moan loudly and uncontrollably. Then I groaned and said, "Weiss! I'm gonna cum!" She moaned and said, "I want it inside me, Y/N!" I nodded as I released all of my cum inside of her. I kept thrusting in and out of her pussy. I felt my dick hit something deep in her pussy and she said, "Right there! Keep going, Y/N!" Then we both climaxed together.

We both collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion. I stared into Weiss' gorgeous light blue eyes and said, "I love you, Weiss." She panted and said, "I love you too. That was amazing, Y/N. I'm so glad that you were my first." I smiled and said, "As am I." Weiss laid her head on my bare chest and said, "I'm so glad that we're back together." I kissed her forehead and said, "Me too. Goodnight, Ice Princess." She sighed and said, "I thought I said not to call me that." I chuckled and said, "You did. But I still called you it." She sighed again and replied, "Whatever, you dolt." I smirked and said, "But I'm your dolt." She smiled and said, "Goodnight, Y/N." I put my arm around her, pulled the covers over us, and said, "Goodnight, Weiss." Then we both drifted off to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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