Vol. 3 Ch. 20 Back At Beacon

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Your POV

Once the Bullhead arrived at Beacon, I handed Zwei to Ruby and said, "Here, you take Zwei. I'm going to Vale to get something real quick." Ruby nodded and said, "Okay. But you better not miss our team first match!" I smiled and said, "I'll be there to cheer you girls on, trust me." I hopped onto a Bullhead that was heading towards downtown Vale. I kept thinking to myself, What would be a pleasant surprise to give Weiss? Then it hit me, A beautiful necklace for her. She'd love that, I thought. I went into the nearest jewelry store and found a beautiful snowflake necklace that had blue topaz and diamonds on it.

 I went into the nearest jewelry store and found a beautiful snowflake necklace that had blue topaz and diamonds on it

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I had just enough lien in my wallet to buy it. After I had purchased it, I placed it in my pocket and went towards the Bullhead. When the Bullhead arrived back at Beacon, I got off and started to head towards the dorms. But as I was walking, I suddenly couldn't move. I looked down and saw a familiar glyph beneath me. Then I saw Weiss walking towards me with an annoyed look on her face. She got to me and said, "What reason could you possibly have to make me wait even longer until I could see you again?" I sighed and said, "I love you, that's why." She unfreezed me and said, "Then I want you to do one thing." I replied, "And what's that?" Weiss smiled and said, "Kiss me like you miss me, Y/N!" I smirked and said, "Well come here." She ran and jumped into my arms, wrapped her legs around my torso, and we started making out.

When we pulled away, I said, "My reason for stopping in Vale was that I wanted to get you something." Weiss looked at me and said, "Wait, really?" I nodded and pulled the necklace out of my pocket. She looked at it in awe and said, "Y/N, it's beautiful. Thank you so much!" I smiled and said, "You want me to put it on you?" She nodded and I reached around her neck and clicked it on. But before I could move my arms back, Weiss hugged me around the waist and said, "I missed you, Fireball." I hugged her back and replied, "I missed you too, Snowflake."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. By the way, I put a reference in this chapter somewhere.
Master out.

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