Chapter 15: The Secret

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Elizabeth Miller's PoV

After driving to the house and helping stitch up the wolves I helped them move the wolves into the basement. I managed to save some more wolves by howling. Somehow they knew to run into the basement for protection. But why is it so cold inside? Unless the cold makes the wolves fall asleep. I saw most of the wolves in the basement were asleep. I turned around when I heard someone fall onto the ground. I see Matthew badly shaking. One moment he's there shaking on the ground and the next he's gone. He's... he's...he's a...wolf. my mouth drops open in surprise. Can all the people who live here do that? Or is it just him? I look at the others and Zoe changes into a wolf too. Then Morgan. Mason looks at me and gives me a demanding look. After I tell him "I promise I won't tell anyone" he changes into a wolf.
I jump when I hear gunshots. Did they hit more wolves? I look around and start gathering up there ripped clothes and throw them away. I put the blankets on the couch and then start cleaning up the blood. I see the four of them walking around and watching me. Maybe they are trying to stay awake. Do they change when it's cold? Or can they change whenever they want? Or is a mixture? I'm so confused. Were all the people in Mason's group picture on his camera like them? Or are they random friends and family? I have so many questions.

I go around closing the blinds on the windows. The music is so loud and all the TV's are on. That's weird? I walk around closing all the blinds on the first floor. I don't think I have to on the other floor. I'm surprised when the gunshots stop. The four of them look at me too. Eventually we hear a lot of cars pull up outside. I can hear people getting out of the cars. I look at the four wolves, not sure what to do. My dad is with them and he would definitely recognize me. One of the wolves, the white one runs upstairs. It comes back down with clothes in it's mouth. I quickly throw them on. I notice a hat and then I remember the picture from the store. The short blond haired woman. I think was named... Crystal? I tuck my brown hair into the hat, making my blond hair come out of it. The clothes I'm wearing are long sleeved and a little big on me but they should work. I turn some of the lights off and I make sure the four of them are out of sight. When I hear the doorbell ring I go over and answer it. I open the door slightly and ask "Can I help you?"
My dad is standing at the door. He doesn't seem to recognize me. He asks me "Do you live here?"
"Yes I do. What do you want?"
"We want permission to search your property."
He makes a show of moving his hand around and pointing at the other hunters that are with him before turning back to me. I ask him "Why do you want to search our property?"
"We were out hunting and we believe the animals might have... wandered into your property while they were dying. We want to get there dead bodies and bring them away. We just want to help."
"No, you can't search our property."
"Why not?"
"In case you didn't notice, it's private property. You are not allowed to be here unless we give you permission. If you don't leave then I will call the cops. They won't hesitate to arrest all of you."
One of the hunters asks "Are you Crystal Smith? The owner of the bookstore and coffee?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"I thought you were out of town?"
"Yeah I have been visiting family. I came back for a couple days and I'll be visiting them again."
I smile at him and tell him "You should buy some coffee there. It's great coffee."
He smiles and tells me "I love the coffee there. I go there almost every day."
I turn back to them looking serious. I tell them "I'm serious. Get off my property or else I will call the cops."
My dad asks "Why is there cold air coming from your house? And the music blasting? It's also very dark."
I shrug and tell him "The thermostat doesn't always work. The cold doesn't really bother me. I like having dance parties in the dark to loud music when I'm by myself."
"Where's Mark?"
"I'm not sure."
Who is Mark?
"I would've liked to see him."
"He's not a fan of strangers."
The hunters all turn around and head back to there cars. I watch them get inside and watch there cars leave. I close the door when they are out of sight. I turn around and ask them "Who's Mark?"
They just look at me. I ask them "Should we call the cops? Or what should we do?"
They still just look at me. I'm about to ask them something else when my dad calls my phone. I quickly step outside and close the door before I answer. That way he can't hear the loud music. He asks me "Where are you?"
"Taking pictures, why?"
"I saw a car that looked like yours at the private property. I was just wandering if you were there."
"I'm not, why?"
"If you were there I would've asked what you learned about the wolves or the people who live there. I'll be out hunting."
"Bye dad."
We both hang up then I go back inside. I tell them "My dad noticed my car is here. He doesn't suspect anything."
They still just look at me. I decide the only way to get them to answer is to turn on the shower and put it on hot. I turn the heat up when I turn the shower on then walk back out to them. I tell them "nod up and down if you are a guy. Left and right if you are a girl."
Two of them nod up and down. I know the brown wolf is Matthew because I saw him change. That means the tan wolf is Mason. I walk over to the red wolf and white wolf. I tell them "nod up and down if you are Zoe."
The red wolf nods her head. I turn to the white wolf and tell her "You're Morgan."
She nods her head. I ask them "Which one of you wants to take a hot shower?"
They all look at each other. Eventually the tan wolf gets up. That's means it's Mason. I follow him to the bathroom. When we are both inside I close the bathroom door and turn so my back is facing the tub. I tell him "You can get in whenever you want."
I hear a wolf jump into the tub and it's paws moving all over the place. Eventually I hear a human moving around. I ask him "Should we call the cops?"
He tells me "Not you...they would know you aren't Morgan."
"Who should call? Should we call?"
"We should call. This is the second time.... your dad has shown up...breaks the rules of private property... I'll call."
"Are you sure? You're speaking very slowly and you kind of sound like you are stuttering from the cold."
"Do you have space heaters or something I could use to keep part of the house warm for you guys?"
"No...but we have emergency Liam's desk....I you..."
I hear movement then a wolf jumps out of the tub. He gets water all over my back. I turn the tub off then open the door. I follow Mason out the door and to Liam's office. His office has a desk and chair. The walls are lined with book shelves and file cabinets. I didn't notice before when I walked around closing all of the blinds. He starts biting a drawer and moves away when he sees I saw which drawer to open. I open it and see it's filled with envelopes. I pick up the one labeled emergency money. I open it and inside there's a note. It says 'use this money for emergencies only. If you are a werewolf then be careful. If you aren't... don't tell anyone our secret...if you do I will find you...please keep us a secret and thanks for helping us. Liam Williams' I look at the note and it has the amount of money labeled on the other side. I show Mason and ask "Have you seen this note before?"
He shakes his head no then sticks his tongue out. I can see his wolf teeth but sticking his tongue out makes him look like a dog. I start laughing when he starts chasing his tail. He stops and looks at me before heading back out of the room. After walking back to the living area I ask them "Are you sure I can leave and you will be ok?"
They all nod there heads. I ask "Should I buy something other than space heaters and stuff to keep you warm?"
No response. I go over to the fridge and freezer. It's filled with food. I check the cupboards and pantry. It's also filled. Do I need to buy anything else? I look around and remember the wolves. I need to buy a lot of meat. They will eat it raw so I don't have to worry about cooking it. But would it look suspicious if I bought a boatload of meat and stuff to warm people up? I don't know. Then I remember I can borrow there clothes. Wear different disguises. It should work. I look at them and ask "Can one of you come with me?" They just look at me. I ask "Which one of you is Mark?"
Mason steps forward. I ask "Can I borrow some clothes? So it doesn't look suspicious if I buy a big amount of meat and space heaters and other stuff."
They all nod there heads. I head upstairs and grab a random mixture of clothes and hats. I have no idea who's clothes I am taking. Hopefully they won't get mad. I go back downstairs, turn my phone volume off and put it in my pocket with my wallet. I grab the envelope and I'm about to grab my car keys when I feel Mason's nose going into my hand. I look and he's giving me car keys. I ask him "What car do these belong to?"
He just looks at me. Oh yeah. He's a wolf. He can't answer me.

I make sure I have everything I need then I follow him. He leads me to a door. I awkwardly open it and my mouth drops open. It's filled with cars. It's a huge garage. The cars range in prices. Some are super expensive, others are cheap. A couple are in between. He walks over to a car that's in between. I unlock it and throw the clothes inside. I put the envelope in the cup holder. He jumps inside and I get in. I see a garage door opener. I press the button and the garage door opens. I turn the car on and get my seatbelt on. I slowly back out and when I'm out of the garage I put the car in park. I dig my car keys out of my pocket then move my car into the garage. I turn my car off and pocket my keys. I put my seatbelt on then press the button to close the garage. I turn the car around then start driving to the store. Hopefully this will work.

*Picture at the top of the chapter is Matthew in wolf form*

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