Chapter 19: The Party

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Elizabeth Miller's PoV

After getting ready with Morgan we walk downstairs. Mason and Matthew are down there waiting for us. They are both wearing jeans and a long sleeved plaid shirt. Me and Morgan are wearing basic dresses. I'm wearing a blue one and Morgan is wearing a green one. They compliment our dresses then we start heading to the garage. Mason walks over, turns the lights down, then locks the doors. He turns the security system on then turns the temperature down. It's to make the wolves sleep while they are gone. Mason opens the garage door and we get into the cars. I go in my own car with Matthew. Mason and Morgan go in a separate car. Matthew gives them the address and we start driving. He asks me "Have you ever been to a party before?"
"Why not?"
"I'm always moving. My dad didn't want me making any friends. What's a party like?"
"Crazy. It's a bunch of teenagers blasting loud music, dancing, partying, eating, and drinking."
"Drinking what?"
"Do you drink?"
"Not really. When I do, it's small amounts. Usually a shot, maybe two. If you haven't had alcohol before then don't try it tonight."
"It gets you drunk. And will probably make you do something stupid or say something you will regret later."
We pull up outside the house and park on the street. There's so many cars. Getting out, I can hear the loud music. How do parents not stop these parties and loud music? Matthew walks with me up to the door. I ask him "Why don't parents stop these parties?"
He laughs and tells me "Because our parties don't get too crazy. If we don't do something stupid without our parents around then we don't have time to be rebellious. Parties don't happen as often as you think they do."
"Didn't you go to a party the other day?"
"This weekend is an exception to that."
We open the door and step inside. It's crazy in here. I already want to leave. Matthew is about to close the door when Mason, Morgan, and Zoe show up. They come inside then close the door. Morgan asks "Is a party usually like this?"
Matthew is about to answer when someone runs over to him. The kid yells "Matthew! You're finally here!"
Matthew laughs and tells him "You're drunk."
"No! I had...three cups! I'm just getting started! Let's....wait a second...did you come here with Elizabeth?!"
"Yeah I did. Why is that surprising?"
"Ohhhh this is so good!"
He grabs Matthew and drags him into the crowd. Mason tries to follow but all the kids block him off. Mason tells us "We have to get over to him before he gets angry and does something bad."
We try working our way over to him when suddenly the music stops. We look and see a small stage. The kid who dragged Matthew away grabs the microphone and asks "Where's James? I got something to tell ya. You won't believe it."
Now I recognize the kid who was talking with Matthew. That's Dylan his best friend. I didn't recognize him because he's different while he's drunk. I watch as kids move out of the way and let James through. James asks "Dylan what the hell are you doing?"
Dylan yells "Matthew brought Elizabeth!"
James freezes when he hears that. He asks Matthew"Is that true?"
Matthew stands there awkwardly not saying anything. James yells "Is that true?!"
Matthew tells him "It doesn't matter. You're drunk."
"What the hell?! You know I called dibs!"
I look at them in shock. They called dibs on me? Matthew calmly replies "Last I knew we weren't friends anymore. That means dibs doesn't matter to me. And it's wrong to call dibs on girls. That's messed up. I've been friends with you for...I'm not really sure why. You date girls and screw with them. You've dated almost every girl at school. You don't care about there feelings. I'm glad we aren't friends anymore. Because that's messed up. Yes I did come with Elizabeth. She doesn't like you. Don't do anything you'll regret because you're drunk."
The next thing we know James throws a punch as Matthew. I stand there with my mouth dropped open. Mason runs over to get Matthew and help him. Zoe also runs over to help. Morgan stands by me, unsure of what to do. People are either recording what's going on or they start fighting. Most of them are drunk to some extent.

Eventually Mason and Zoe got Matthew out of the house. I headed home while they took him back to the pack house. We exchanged numbers and when I got home I changed into my clothes in my car before heading inside. It's so late. I head inside with my camera and my dad is immediately there asking "Where the hell have you been?! Do you know how late it is?"
I roll my eyes and walk past him. I tell him "I spent most of the day taking pictures."
"That's no excuse to get home late!"
I turn around and yell "Since when did you care?! You're out almost every day hunting! You don't get questioned by us when you come home! Why does it matter when I do? You don't even want me making any friends! Or dating anyone! What else am I supposed to do? Sit in my room doing nothing?!"
My dad gets angry and grabs my arm. He half drags me upstairs and shoves me into my room. He slams the door closed and yells "Don't come out of there until I say so!"
I fall onto my bed and start crying. I stop when I check my text when my phone goes off.
Mason: we brought him back to the pack house.
Elizabeth: is he ok?
Mason: he changed into a wolf. He's slowly calming down but it might take a while for him to change back. We are just lucky we got him out of there before it was too late.
Elizabeth: that's good
Mason: did you get home alright?
Elizabeth: yeah I did.
Mason: are you alright?
Elizabeth: my dad was not too happy I got home very late. He forced me into my room and I am stuck in here until he lets me out.
Mason: sorry to hear that. We could come over and sneak you out.
Elizabeth: maybe some other day. I really do not want to tick him off too badly.
Mason: alright. Let me know of you change your mind. 😜
I start laughing when I see the emoji. After that he starts sending me pictures and videos of Matthew stuck in wolf form. They are getting him to practice walking around and do different things in wolf form while he's stuck. It helps him learn and distract them from him being stuck in wolf form. I send him
Elizabeth: thanks for that. I needed a laugh.
Mason: no problem. Just think about my tongue sticking out of my mouth.
Elizabeth: no, I have something better to think about. 😂
Mason: What would that be?
Elizabeth: when I made you wear a shirt while in wolf form 😜
Mason: You know you can be very evil
Elizabeth: I know 😈
I start laughing remembering all of them wearing shirts. Morgan hated it the most. I get up and go shower. I get out and get changed. I lay down on the bed and eventually fall asleep.

*Picture at the top of the chapter is the blue dress Elizabeth wore to the party*

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