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y/n's pov 

my shift was starting so i got changed in the back of the restaurant. it was more of a club at the same time but i just say restaurant to make it seem better. jade works here with me but we barely get the same shifts since we always mess around too much. tonight was the first time in a while since we've got to work together. 

"i heard we're getting a new boss tonight," liam, our bartender informs me. 

"heard he's cute too," jade adds. 

"how old is?" i ask. 


"how did he get the job? he's so young?" i mention. 

"he's our old boss' son," liam tells us. "his names Evan i think."

"hopefully he isnt a dick," jade mumbles. 

"alright our shifts starting now," i say making last touches to my outfit. "let's go."

jade liam and i walk out of the back room and head to the front to get started. 

"hey," one of our other waiter say, "can you go wait on table 9 please?"

"yeah for sure." i grab my little clip book and make my way to the tables. 

"hi guys welcome, what can i get for you toda- mattia?" i say shocked. he was with a few other guys that i didnt recognize. 

"y/n? i didnt know you work here." he looks me up and down. 

"i'm gonna get another a waiter," i suggest. 

"yeah you do that," mattia agrees. 

"no, why do we need another waiter," one of his friends ask. "i think you're perfectly fine."

mattia glares at him. "she said she's gonna another waiter so we're getting another waiter."

"okay sorry chill damn," he chuckles. 

i give all them a polite smile and turn around, but then i bumped into someone. 

"woah," the person catches me before i completely fall down. 

"i'm sorry," i smile lightly as rebalance myself. 

"nah it's cool. uh you work here right?" he asks, looking at my outfit. 

"well what gave it away?" i joke. 

"sorry," he light rubs his forehead, "it's my first day and i'm kinda nervous."

i noticed that he was wearing a really fancy suit. "are you our new-"

"boss?" he finishes my sentence. "yeah i'm evan peters." his hand reaches for mine and he shakes it. "i wanted to personally introduce myself to as many waiters as possible."

"aw, that's nice. i'm y/n hart," i reply. 

"nice to meet you y/n," he nods. "but uh anyway continue with what you're doing."

"yes sir."

"and maybe when your shifts over you can have one drink with me."

my mouth slightly drops at his response. "i- uh y-yeah i'd love to. sorry i'm nervous around cute guys."

evan blushes immediately and i groan in embarrassment, realizing what i said. 

"you think i'm cute?" he asks. 


"y/n can you switch sections with me? my ex is here," jade cuts in. "oh hey mattia."

mattia gives an awkward smile. i completely forgot that he was right there and probably heard my entire conversation with evan. 

"can you wait mattia's table?" i ask her. 

"yeah sure." she turns to evan. "who's this?"

"i'm your new boss, evan." he shakes her hand. 

"oh nice to meet you," jade smiles. 

"likewise." evan turns to me. "i'll see you later y/n."

"yeah see you later," i wave. 

"well damn i was right, he is cute," jaden whispers. 

i nod and mouth "i know" before walking to a different section of the club and getting their orders. 

"that entire conversation was difficult to watch," said mattia. 

"oh fuck you," i reply. 

the rest of the night went by smoothly and i noticed that mattia and his friends have left, making me feel relieved. i dont know why but i was so nervous around him. 

"can i have that drink now?" evan asks, walking up from behind me. 

"my shift isnt over yet," i tell him. 

"why don't you end a little earlier tonight?"

i smile and we take a seat at the bar while pouring ourselves a drink. 

"i know it's a little bit weird to be having a drink with your boss but i'm only 2 years older than you so i don't want you to be scared of me or anything," evan says. "just treat me normally."

"i was always scared of your dad but yeah, i'll keep that in mind."

"anything new in life that's exciting?"

"i recently moved to uptown because i'm attending college there so the drive here is a little bit further," i start. 

"oh really? i live in uptown too," evan mentions. 

"that's great news for me." did i just say that?

"you're a bold girl huh? you always speak your mind."

"not on purpose-- i'm just nervous," i chuckle. 

"well don't be," he smiles. 

before i knew it, 2 hours passed and i was suppose to be home a while ago. 

"i have to call a taxi and head home," i say sadly. 

"let me take you home," evan offers. "i mean i live there anyway so why not?"

"are you sure?"

"yeah i'm sure. come on let's go."

we both head to his car and start driving towards uptown. evan walked me all the way to my room so that he could give me a proper goodbye. 

"thank you for the ride," i say as we approach my door. 

"thank you for that drink," he responds. 

he stares into my eyes for a while and then looks down and my lips while licking his own. i gulp subtly and felt my breathing increase as he leans in slowly. 

"ahem," a voice says, making evan back away. 

i turn to the side and see mattia leaning against his doorway again. you've gotta be fucking kidding me. 

"i'll see you just tomorrow," evan tells me. 

"oh i'm not working tomorrow," i answer, disappointed. 

"then how about you give me your number and we'll arrange a way for me to see you again?" 

i smile as we exchange phones and type in our number. 

"bye evan," i said. 

"goodnight y/n." he walks to the elevator and i stare at him until the door slides all the way close. 

my happy expression immediately disappears as i turn to mattia. 

"really mattia?" i fold my arms.


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