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y/n's pov

call to kairi
y/n: hey kai
kairi: what's up
y/n: you're going to derek's party right?
kairi: oh you know derek? yeah i'm going
y/n: not really he just came up to me and asked me to go
kairi: huh okay yeah i'll see you there
y/n: alright see you there

since mattia was going to the party too, i walked over to his door to ask him if he wanted to go together.

"what," he answered, annoyed.

he wasn't wearing shirt and only wore some grey sweatpants while his chain was touching his bare chest. he looked good.

"stop staring— what do you want?" mattia interrupted my thoughts. "i'm busy."

"oh i was wondering if you wanted to just go to derek's party together since we're both going," i asked.

"you're going?"

"yeah, he invited me," i tell him.

mattia sighs. "no go alone."

"mattia," i hear a girl shout from inside his apartment. "what's taking so long?"

"i'll be right there," he shouts back. "as you can see i have business i need to attend to." he smirks and shuts the door.

minutes after i go back into my apartment room i heard slight moaning on the other side of wall. i head to the opposite side of the room so i wouldn't have to hear it and took a nap until the party was going to start.

1 hour later

it didn't take long for me to get ready for the party i just wore what i wore to school today.

jade texted me that she was on the way so i went downstairs while the doorman helped me order a taxi.


when i approach dereks house, i saw her at the entrance waiting for me to come so we can go in together.

"hey," she greets me.

"i feel weird coming to a party where i don't know anyone," i admit.

"oh come on, we love meeting new people," she laughs. "now let's go— i need alcohol in my system right now." she yanks me into dereks house and we go straight to the alcohol.

mattia's pov

"finally she's here," derek smiles. 

"who's here?" miah asks, turning around.

i follow her gaze and saw y/n and jade walk through the door, heading the alcohol section.

"ew you invited her?" says miah.

"well duh i invited her— look at her," derek licks his lips.

"hey man i said i don't want you to do anything with my neighbor," i remind him.

"you don't mean that."

"i kinda did," i confirm.

"no you didn't."

"yes. i did," i raise my voice.

"just let derek date the whore," miah cuts in. "what do you care?"

i sigh in frustration as derek smiles and walks away to y/n.

"come on," miah pulls me towards the middle. "let's dance."

y/n's pov

"evan came over with a bunch of snacks today," i tell jade.

"did you invite him in?"

"i was going to. we were so close to kissing but then someone ruined it," i roll my eyes.

"mattia? again?" she asks. i nod. "he's doing it on purpose you know?"

"well yeah no shit he's doing it on purpose." i take a sip out of drink. "he likes seeing me miserable."

"or maybeeee... he doesn't want you kissing anyone else."

"i doubt that. he shows no interest in me. i even tried to ask him if he wanted to come here together but he was like 'no go alone'."

"hey y/n," derek cuts in. "i'm glad you made it."

"thanks, i'm glad you invited me," i answer. "this is jade."

"hey derek," jade says.

"hey jade," he replies. "uh y/n do you wanna dance?"

jade smiles and nudges me.

i blush and put my drink down. "sure."

derek and i dance a for a little bit near mattia and miah. she kept giving me dirty looks but i just ignored her and paid attention my dance partner.

"y/n," jade comes up and grabs my wrist. "we have to go. now."

i give her a weird look. "what? but we go here like half an hour ago."

"mikes here," she says strictly. derek mattia and miah all turn to us.


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