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y/n's pov

i quickly pack my things and shove everything in my suitcase. the problem was that i didnt know how to get home-- evan took my phone and taxis dont come around here. that didnt matter, i was just going to run as far as i can until i find other people. 

"y/n?" i hear evan call my name. "i'm home with all the food." 

my entire body freezes in fear. i had to play this cool. 

footsteps approach the room and evan walks in. "hey what're you up to?"

"i was bored so i just came up here to take a nap," i lie. "i'm gonna go downstairs and set up." 

with evan here that means i wouldn't be able to take my suitcase or else he'd suspect something. a small price to pay. once i was at the stairs, i started running towards the door and tried to open it but the lock was jammed. 

"going somewhere?" i hear him a say calmly behind me. i gulp and turn around slowly. "mattia texted and called you by the way." he reads off my phone, " 'answer your fucking phone' ." evan chuckles and plays mattia's voicemail. "cant seem to ever get rid of him." 

"you're a fucking psychopath," i shake my head, "have you been watching 'YOU' lately?"

evan rolls his eyes. "always so sarcastic. it's one of the things i love about you." 

"you love me a little too much."

he walks closer to me and stroke the side of my face, making me tremble. "you can never love someone too much."

"dont touch me." 

he sighs. "i didnt want you to find out this way."

"find out what? that you've been stalking me? taking pictures of me? breaking into my apartment?" i shout. 

"you make it sound so dramatic." 

"tell me everything. tell me how it all started. now," i demanded. 

evan nods. "if you say so." he slams something across my head making me fall to the floor. 

he didnt hit me hard enough to make me unconscious but it definitely made everything blurry and dizzy. i felt him drag my body across the floor to the stairs and then he handcuffs me to the pole. 

"sorry, i cant have you going anywhere," he says. "so where should i start? right, the first time i saw you." 

"on your first day of work?" i ask weakly. 

"no, i saw you months ago," he corrects me. "when i first walked into the club, i saw you serving drinks around and immediately fell in love with you. i wanted to be closer to you so i asked my dad if i can become to the new boss of the club...

... at first he said no but then i after a month i finally convinced him. but during that month i've been watching you for days, getting to know you, falling harder and harder everyday. i know you better than mattia did. treated you better too. so how did it take him only a couple days to get you to sleep with him? i wanted to kill him. i still do." 

"leave him out of this evan," i reply. 

evan continued, "but i didnt kill him. for you. i knew you cared about him so i tried my best to refrain myself. i liked kairi, alejandro... not so much. jade was alright but she was a little bit much."

"she's much? you stalked me and now you're holding me hostage," i yell. 

"yeah because you're acting out right now." 

i sigh. "if you love me, then let me go. just let me go." i started crying. 

"it hurts to see you so upset with me but i cant let you go. i love you y/n. i need you here with me, to be with me," he said each word clearly. "now, i'm gonna go make dinner. let's go." 

he frees me from the handcuffs and drags me to the kitchen, then putting me on a chair in front of the dining table. evan cuffs me again and ties my legs with ropes so that i couldn't move. 

"one more thing." he grabs a syringe and then flicks it. 

"what is that?" i ask, concern. 

"just a little something to numb your lower body in case you somehow escape." the liquid inside the syringe injects into my hip and i lost feeling in my thighs and soon my shins. "there." 

"don't do this," i plead. tears started forming in my eyes again. "it hurts."

"you'll get use to it in a couple minutes." he starts grabbing the ingredients out of the grocery bag. "now how does spaghetti sound?"


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