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y/n's pov

an hour probably passed as i kept putting filing the bills and papers. the amount of money this man has was insane, but he also received more than he spends. then i noticed something wrong. the amount of money added up didn't match how much we're suppose to have-- there was $100,000 missing. 

knock knock

i look up from the screen and see colton standing at my doorway. 

"just wanted to check in and see how you're doing so far," he says. 

"i'm good but you might wanna check this out," i suggest.

he walks over to my desk. "what is it?"

"you're missing $100,000 from the company, i don't think you received all the payments," i inform him. 

his jaw clenches up a little. "i'll have one of my guys check it out. thanks." he walks over to a small couch and sat down. "tell me about yourself."

"oh so now you wanna get to know me," i say playfully. 

"i told you if i wanted to ask then i would," he reminds me. "where do you attend college?"

"i mentioned that in the resume," i say. 

"i didn't read that shit," he scoffs. "i only looked at how to contact you. i prefer getting to know my workers in person-- not from a piece of paper." 

"right," i smile nervously. "uh i go to college in uptown." 

"do you live by yourself?" 


"give me one good reason why you like working here," he says. 

"it pays well and i kinda wanna save up for a car so.." 

he laughs lightly. "favorite food?"

"i'm not picky i like everything."

"favorite drink?"

i think for a little bit. "probably a caramel macchiato from starbucks, i'm basic."

"one thing that changed your life and made you look at everything differently."

i sigh. "uh, evan i guess." 

"i know it's a sensitive topic for you so you don't have so tell me," he says. 

now that he was being a lot nicer, i didn't mind anymore. "no it's fine. i won't go into too much detail but basically he stalked me for months. and then when we finally got together, we went up to his house in the hills where i found all the photos he took of me without me knowing."

"what kind of photos?" colton asks. 

"like of me sleeping, showering," when i was having sex with someone. "just shit like that. so when i found out, i tried to dip but he basically held me hostage and tied me to a chair. he tried to rape me but the police came on time."

"wow." he just blinked a couple times. "that's really rough i'm sorry. i didnt even know evan was capable of something like that."

"that makes two of us. i guess i just value life a lot more now." 

"anyone would if they went through that." colton stands up and straightens his suit. "right, well i gotta go deal with the missing $100,000 so i'll see you later." 

"of course, bye mr. greyson," i smile. 

"you can call me colton." 

colton's pov

"im gonna head out early today, can you finish up?" i ask one of my assistants. 

"sure mr. greyson."

i head to my car and drive to my destination. 


"mr. peters, you have a visitor," the guard shouted. 

i take a seat on the other side of the glass and watch evan walk in with handcuffs. he picks up the phone and speaks into it. 

"colton," he smirks. "good to see you."

"orange is a terrible color on you," i reply. 

"you here to bail me out or what?"

"i'm not wasting my money on you evan."

he glares at me. "we've been friends since high school."

"i'm not friends with rapists," i cough. 

"i didn't rape the girl," he says. 

"not because you had a change of heart though," i remind him. "she just got lucky the police came on time."

"come on man," evan laughs lightly. "i didn't mean any harm to her. i love her." 

"you and i have different definitions of love."

"as if you know anything about love colton," he scoffs. "you're a damaged boy who had daddy issues his entire life." 

"and you're a fucked up piece of shit who's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison," i shot back. "i wouldn't be talking." 

evan bites the inside of his cheek. "why're you here then?"

"just to let you know i'm gonna try my best to right your wrongs. i'm gonna look out for that girl, make sure shit like that doesn't happen to her again," i tell him. "it's a lot easier when she's working under my roof now."

his expression changes when i mentioned that she works for me. 

"you think she's still gonna wanna be around when she finds out what you really do? you think she won't quit the second she sees? i know her," he leans forward. "she wouldn't look at you the same."

"i dont care about what she thinks. but what i do will never be as bad as what you did to her. how could look at a girl like that and think of doing all those things?" i ask. 

evan squints his eyes. "oh don't tell me you like her man."

"i just met her," i reply, "but all i know is that she didn't deserve it. so have fun paying for your mistakes." i hang the phone back up on the wall and stand up. 

"screw you colton, after all we've been through you'd just leave me here?" i hear him shout.

i ignore evan and continue walking out the of the room. 


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