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one week later...

y/n's pov

"i was thinking," evan spoke, making me bring my head up from my phone. we were both laying down on my bed cuddling and doing our own thing, "i have this really nice house up in the hills— it's only like 30 minutes away from here."

"andddd?" i ask.

"we should go away for the weekend— just us," he clarifies. "what do you say?"

"i say," i kiss his lips, "we should go."

"great." he smiles. "we'll leave tomorrow?"

"yeah sure."

"ight i gotta go now." evan sits up and grabs his coat. i walk him to the door. "i will see you tomorrow. goodnight."

"goodnight." i follow him out the door cause i wanted to go over to mattia's room. kairi and alejandro were there so i wanted to hang with them. "don't worry... he has company."

"i wasn't worried," he kisses me on the forehead. "i trust you, both of you."

he heads to the elevator and i knock on mattia's door.

"it's open," someone shouts.

"we have a habit of not locking our doors," i say as i walk in.

"i got lazy with that shit— and i'm home anyway. there's no harm," mattia answers.

the three of them were on his couch playing GTA on his big tv screen.

"what's up y/n," kairi glances at me.

"i just came to say hi." i open the fridge and grab a beer.

"yes... make yourself home..." mattia mumbles.

"thanks that was my plan," i giggle.

"how's evan?" alejandro asks.

"we're good, we're going to his house he has up in the hills," i tell them. "we're leaving tomorrow for the weekend."

alejandro takes his attention away from the screen and looks at me. "no."

"the fuck you mean no," i scrunch my face. "yes."

"no. kairi tell her," he nudges kairi's arm.

"ow," he whines. "sure, have fun."

alejandro looks at him. "wha- mattia. tell her no."

"don't drag me into this shit bruh," he replies. "just be careful y/n."

"see ale," i smile and then glare at him. "get over it."


"alright i'm go pack real quick and then i'll be back," i tell them.

the packing didn't take long considering i was only going away for the weekend. i brought clothes, my shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush/paste, and that was pretty much it.

"hi i'm back," i shout.

the boys ignored me and continued playing their game while i just sat besides mattia and watched them.

after a while, kairi and alejandro said goodbye to mattia and i and headed out the door.

"how are you?" i ask him.

"i'm good, i'm talking to miah now," he says.

oh he's talking to someone. " hate that bitch. pick someone else," i groan.

"this isn't GTA i can't just choose random characters."

"yes you can. pick someone else," i smile.

he chuckles. "she's not that bad."

"the fuck? are we talking about the same miah?"

"she's nice to me," he says, "and that's all that matters."

"i was thinking that we should all do something," i change the topic. "share our locations— all of us."

"sure, why not? for like emergencies?" he asks, pulling out his phone.

"yeah," i confirm. "we can just share ours for now— i'll tell them tomorrow."

mattia and i share our locations and i send a request to kairi alejandro and jade for theirs.

it was getting late and you know how when it gets past 12am you start talking about really deep stuff? yeah that was us right now.

we had one blanket over us while sitting closely next to each other on his couch and talking about life.

"i never really got to thank you for what the mike thing— heard you got him pretty good," i smile.

"yeah i guess i did," he nods, praising himself. "i'm sorry by the way— that you had to deal with that asshole. how long did you guys date for?"

"like 1 year and a half," i answer. "i wasted a lot of time with him."

"you didn't deserve that."

"yeah well can't go back and change anything now," i sigh. "how about you? what's your history with girlfriends?"

mattia thinks. "i havent dated anyone in like a year. last girl i dated was someone named jenna. she was my first real love."

"what happened?" i ask.

"she cheated on me. just one year down the drain."

"wow. one year?"

"a little bit more than a year but yeah," he says. "i was heartbroken. that's why i sleep with a different girl everyday, teaches me to not be attached. fuck females." he looks at me. "well not all females."

i give him a weak smile cause i was starting to get tired. "i'm sorry that happened to you. you deserve better."

"do i thoughhhh?" he says playfully but i knew he was genuinely asking.

"yes." i put my hand on top of his. "you do."

his fingers interlock with mine. "i'm really sorry i was a dick to you when we first met," he apologizes.

"i know. asshole." i roll my eyes jokingly. "but why were you such a dick?"

he shrugs. "you were the first girl that didn't fucking drool over me. i was a little threatened by you. kairi and alejandro always talking about you like you were a saint."

i was drooling over him, just never showed it.

"i'm glad your little phase is over." i lay my head on his shoulder and felt my eyes getting heavier. "cause i like it when you're nice to me."

his hand snakes around my waist and he wraps the blanket properly around me. "you getting tired?"

"mhm," i mumble. "and by the way, i was lowkeyyy drooling over you."

mattia chuckles. "oh yeah?"

"yeah," i scoff. "but i was convinced that you'd never go for me cause you were always mean to me. and i don't seem like your type so i tried my best to get my mind off it."

he lets out a deep breath. "now you're with evan..."

"yup, and he treats me well. i like him, i want it to work out with us," i say. "don't see any red flags yet so that's a good thing."

"im happy for you," he whispers. "and about what you said earlier, you weren't my type cause i never met a girl like you before."

"and now?"

"and now... let's just say evans a really fucking lucky guy."

i smile lightly started falling asleep on his shoulder while his cheek was laying on my head.

this was a calm chapter cause it's go gonna DOWN soon. get ready 😈 i put a hint in here to give y'all an idea on how it might be.

sorry for not updating, my friend was going through some shit— let me tell y'all she has THEE worst luck with boys. ngl it was lowk funny to me but i feel bad for that hoe, she just wants a man😭😫 it's all good, she has me 🕺🕺


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