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y/n's pov

the next day

mattia and i walk into our school holding hands and caught all of our friend's attention. 

"ayeee so you guys made up?" kairi asks. 

"we're officially together now," mattia confirms. 

"yessirrr," alejandro yells loudly. 

"finally," jade smiles, giving me a hug. "congrats to the new couple." 

"thanks guy." i open up my locker while they had a side conversation until i felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. 

"guess who?" the voice said. 

"your voice sounds familiar," i sniff a little bit. "your cologne too. wait a minute." i remove his hands and turn around. "oh shit matthew?" i give him a side huge. "what're you doing here?"

"colton sent me to finish up some stuff when he made the donation," says matthew. "so this is how you dress outside of work."

"yes a simple t-shirt a jeans." i give a sarcastic thumbs up. "by the way this is mattia, alejandro, kairi, and jade."

"hey guys," he smiles. "hi jade." 

jade blushes. "hey matthew." 

i look back and forth at the two of them staring at each other and smile. "why don't you guys exchange contacts." 

"shut up," jade whispers. "but uhm if you want to that's cool." 

"yeah that'd be nice," matthew nodded nervously. the two exchange numbers awkwardly. "i gotta go to the office. i'll see you at work y/n. bye guys, bye jade." 

"bye," she waves as he walks away. "holy shit he's cute." 

"you gon date my co worker huh," i nudge her. "nice." 

"i just met him like 30 seconds ago don't get ahead of yourself," she mumbles. "but oh my god he's so cute." 

"kairi," alejandro put his hand on his shoulder. "we need to find girlfriends." 

he frowns sarcastically. "i know." 

at work

i walk into my office happily, knowing mattia and i were in a good place. 

colton noticed and said, "someone's in a good mood." 

"mhm," i smile and plopped down in my chair. "mattia asked me to his girlfriend yesterday and i said yes."

"that's great, i'm happy for you," colton clapped twice. "i gotta go deal with some stuff so i won't see you for the rest of the day."

"oh do you need any help?" i offer. 

"nah it's okay," he walked towards the door. "if you finish the work early just leave." 

"okay thank you." 

an hour later...

"hey," matthew knocked on the wall. "how's the work?" 

"good, i'm almost done," i answer. "have you texted jade?"

"yeah we're going to dinner tomorrow," he looks down and smile. "i'm just scared you know?"

"cause you don't wanna put her in danger?"

"yeah. i always let the fear keep myself from letting it work with a girl," he explains. "and then they think i'm a dick." 

"just take it slow and try your best to keep her out of it," i say. 

"yeah i will," he nods. "just tryna see where it goes first. so... mattia looks nice ."

i felt myself blush and try to turn away. "we're official now." 

"that's what i like to hear," he shouts. "i wish you both the best." 

"thank you, and you better treat jade well too," i point at him with my index finger. 

"i'll do my best." 

after i finished my work i took out my phone to text mattia i was on my way home in the elevator. since i was looking down, i didn't notice that it stopped at the second floor instead of the first/lobby. 

"shit," i mumble to myself. before i walk back into the elevator, i noticed the door that said keep out was slightly open. there was no one around, so i decided to sneak into the room to see what was in there. 

as the door opened wider, i saw a bunch of crates lying around in the enormous room. i walk up to one of the crates and open it, revealing white powder wrapped in a clear plastic sheet. is this what i think it is? i go over to the next crate to see if there was the same thing but instead, these ones had guns inside. why  would colton have drugs and guns in here? 

i panicked and turned around to exit the room but felt myself hitting somebody. 

"you shouldn't be in here," said colton.


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