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y/n's pov

"who's the hottie?" jade giggles, walking up to me with the rest of our friends.

"come on jade, put 2 and 2 together. business suit. young. talking to y/n...," kairi says.

"oh shit that was colton greyson," she shouts. "i didn't know he looked like... that."

"like what?" i ask.

"he gives out such a sexy, mysterious vibe," she says.

"what was he doing here?" mattia asked.

"he made a donation to our school," inform them.

alejandro scrunches his face. "why our school?"

"obviously because i go here," i answer. "he appreciates his interns."

"so he makes a donation to every college that his interns attend at?" mattia said with suspicion in his voice.

"he probably feels bad for being a dick to me the first time we met. i'm not thinking too much about it." my face and tone remained calm so i can convince him. "you shouldn't either."

bell rings

"i'll see you guys later." kairi puts his hand on my shoulder and walks off with the boys.

"he's super fucking hot," jade says. "like wow."

"do you think mattias jealous or something? his body language was off."

"let's just say if my girlfriend had a boss who looked like that, i would be a little bit insecure." i frown a little.

at work

when i walk into my office, i saw a caramel macchiato sitting on my desk from starbucks. a smile forms on my face cause i've been craving it ever since we talked about it yesterday.

there was a post it note that said: you're welcome -c

i chuckle to myself and then began my work.

after an hour, i decided to go to the lounge and get some snacks and get to know some of the other workers while i was there.

"ashley, hey," i smile. "i didn't see you at the front desk today."

"yeah i had to go make some errands around that time," she tells me. "oh this matthew by the way."

"hey," he shakes my hand. "you're one of colton's new interns right?"

"yeah i'm y/n, nice to meet you," introduce myself. "what do you do?"

"uh let's just say i'm in his very close circle," he winks. "i've been here since day 1."

"so like you know him the best out of all of us huh?"

"yeah i guess you can say that. he was my best friend before he was my boss so," matthew shrugs. "has he warmed up to you yet?"

"yeah i think he has. i mean he made a donation to my school and got me coffee so.."

matthew's eyebrows lift up. "oh wow only took you like 3 days."

"told you he wasn't that bad," ashley reminds me. "he just puts on a front. that's all."

i chuckle. "well i'm gonna go back to work but it was really nice meeting you matthew. bye ashley."

colton's pov

knock knock

"what up," matthew says walking in.

"hey man," i answer. "you need something?"

"nah just checking up. everything good?"

"y/n informed me yesterday that we're missing $100,000." i turn my computer screen to him so he can get a good look. "someone's not turning in their payments."

"or someone's stealing from us," he assumes. "want me to take care of it?"

"can't, we don't even know who it is."

"process of elimination," matthew suggest. "i'll figure it out if you want."

"i got it," i decline his offer. matthew taps his index finger on my desk repeatedly. "you got something on your mind or what?"

"so... y/n seems nice," he smiles.

"she is," i confirm. "you've met her then?"

"i did earlier today at the lounge. why you being so nice her? thought you were an asshole to everyone you meet," he chuckles.

i shrug. "i don't know. i feel like i owe it to her."

"how come?"

"fucking evan screwed shit up with her bad," i sigh.

"what'd he do?"

"just know it's bad enough that his ass rotting in jail right now."

matthew's mouth slightly drops. "oh shit. and you aren't gonna bail him out?"

"hell no. he deserves to stay there for a lifetime."

"damn that bad? so what's your part in this?" he asks.

"nothing i just feel bad for her. evan was one of my best friends," i sigh.

"so you feel guilty, like you're somewhat responsible?"

"i'm just tryna make up for what he did," i explain. "no one like her deserves to go through what she did. it's fucked up."

"you don't gotta feel guilty though— it wasn't your fault," matthew pats my shoulder. "is that how she got the job so easily?"

"kinda, but i'm glad she's actually a good worker," i reply. "damn it's like 6:15 already."

"yeah i should be heading home," said matthew. "do you want me to.. deal with stuff before i leave?"

"yeah," i nod. "they're coming over tomorrow."

"alright. i'll take care of it real quick. see you tomorrow," matthew heads to door.

"see you."

i walk over to y/n's office to see if she was still there but she probably left at 6pm. there was an empty starbucks cup in her trash can so i'm guessing she finished it. i noticed that she forgot her jacket on her seat so i picked it up and decided to drop it off.

i grab her resume so i can find her address and then searched it up on my phone. it wasn't too far, i'll drop it off on the way.


the apartment building was pretty modern, seems like her style. i walk to the elevator and go up her floor and knock on her door.

a man with dark hair and olive skin answered the door. he seemed about 6'2 and had brown eyes. "can i help you?"


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