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mattia's pov

"oh you're colton greyson right?" i ask. 

"uh yeah i'm looking for y/n."

"she's in the shower right now, can i take a message?"

he hands me her sweater. "she left it in her office so i just came to drop it off for her."

"how nice of you," i say with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "anything else?"

colton smiles. "just that i said have a good night and i'll see her tomorrow at 3pm."

i raise my left eyebrow slightly. "will do. bye." i close the door on him.

a couple minutes later y/n walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body. 

"hey, i heard talking," she says, drying her hair. 

"uh yeah your boss came by to drop off your sweater." i throw it at her. "he really does care about his interns to be doing this."

"he just came to drop it off mattia," said y/n. "what's the big deal?"

"the big deal is that he's trying to get in your pants but you're too naive to see it." 

"since when was dropping off my sweater called flirting-- he's just being nice. there's a difference," she defends. "and even if it was flirting it's not like i'm flirting back." 

"you're not shutting it down either," i shot back. "maybe you like it. we all know you have a thing for your bosses. just thought you'd learn your lesson by now." the look on her face made me immediately regret saying those things. 

"cause i want to be stalked and raped again right? cause i enjoyed going through that so i want a round 2?"

"i didn't mean it like th-"

"i think you should leave," she nods. "i'll see you tomorrow at school."


"we're not even officially dating," she interrupts me. "cause you still have miah on your ass but do you see me throwing a fit? no. dont try and claim something that wasn't even your's in the first place." she's a deep breath and then wipes her face. "please just leave." 

i sigh and walk towards the door without saying anything. 

y/n's pov

the next day

i felt really bad about the argument mattia and i had last night but i didn't even expect arguing this soon when we're not even officially in a relationship yet. i decided to go to school without him cause i didnt want to face him, we both need a little space. 

when i got to school, i saw kairi, alejandro, and jade at our usual spot talking to each other. 

"hey y/n," kairi smiles. "where's mattia?"

"hell if i know," i mumble. "we got into an argument."

"let me guess... about colton," alejandro says. i nod. "we all saw that one coming."

"i mean colton was what started it but then he said some shit that kinda pissed me off cause it hurt," i tell them. then i saw mattia walking towards us in the distance. "i'm gonna go to class early." 

i turn my back to my friends and walk away. 

mattia's pov

a frown forms on my face as i watch y/n walk away from us. 

"she's still mad," i groan. 

"what'd you say?" jade asks. 

i told them what i said about y/n having a thing for her bosses and mentioned what her response was. 

"i didn't mean it like that," i say. "it sort of just came out. i was jealous. the man literally looks like a model. and he's a millionaire." 

"at the end of the day, she comes back home to you," alejandro reminds me. "and maybe just make it official before you get all jealous and shit." 

"cause they live next to each other," kairi cuts in. i ignore him. 

"i'm gonna apologize tonight and ask her to be my girlfriend," i nod in confidence. 

"if she'll take you back.." kairi mumbles. 

"shut up, you're not helping." i smack him in the back of the head. 


hate me till you love me || mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now