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y/n's pov

at work

as i walk into the building, i noticed two men wearing suits go into the elevator. 

"who were they?" i ask ashley. 

"mr. greyson has a meeting today with them," said ashley. "not quite sure what for but i'd keep my distance."

"hm, okay." i walk to the second elevator and make my way up the 37th floor where my office was. 

there weren't as much paperwork today which might've been a mistake but i'll ask colton about it later. 

it didn't take me long to finish filing all the work so i decided to go back downstairs and talk to ashley. she was typing in the computer and seemed really focused but noticed me walking towards her. 

"hey what's up," she says, not taking her eyes away from the computer. 

"i finished all my work and colton's still in that meeting so i don't know what to do," i answer. "any suggestions?"

"it's a big building, i'm sure you'll find something to do."

"yeah i'll just explore the area," i say. "alright see you later."

"have fun."

i started with the second floor and saw a lot more tech rooms. everything looked so complicated and all of the workers seemed so busy. then i come across a door that said keep out. my curiosity got the best of me as i try and turn the handle. 

"looking for something?" 

i jump a little and turn around. "matthew, you scared me." 

"sorry, but you shouldn't be here," he smiles. "why don't we go to the lounge, have coffee together?"

"sure." i straighten my outfit and the both of us head to the elevator. "what was in that room?" 

"i can't discuss that with you," he says as we arrive to the lounge. 

"is it 'inner circle' topic," i ask. 

"you can say that," matthew chuckles. "how was your day?"

"could be better," i mumble. 

matthew pours us both a cup of coffee and we take a seat at the couches.  "how come?"

"i got in an argument with one of my friends," i sigh. 

"wanna talk about it?"

"recently, something kinda traumatizing happened to me," i begin, "and he just brought it up like it was nothing. i don't really wanna burden you with all the details, it's kinda dark." 

"i don't mind," he smiles. "does it have something to do with evan?"

"you know about evan?"

"he was basically one of colton's best friends so yeah we were mutuals," said matthew. "i don't know what he did but he's in jail for a reason."

i basically told him what i told colton the other day and i watch matthew's expression turn into a sad one. "i guess i'm just a little scared that colton's like-"

"like evan? never," he assures me. "he paid a visit to him in jail a few days ago." 

"really? what happened?"

matthew shrugs. "he just told me that evan asked to bail him out but colton declined and said he deserved to stay there for rest of his life." that made me feel a little bit better. i don't know what i would do if he ever got out. "he mentioned to me yesterday that he feels like he should look after you." 

"why?" i tilt my head. "it wasn't his fault. just because you're associated with someone doesn't mean everything they do is their fault."

"he knows that but i guess he just felt bad for you. he's ashamed of himself for being friends with someone like that. wouldn't you?" 

i nod. "course i would. but he's my boss-- that's all he is. he's not responsible for what happens to me. that's on me."

"yeah, tell him that," matthew scoffs. "he grew up with a hard life, went through something similar. colton knows what it's like to feel helpless." 

"i didn't know that," i frown. 

"everyone has a story that shapes them as who they are today," he said. "especially colton."

"what's your story?" i ask. 

"i watched my girlfriend die in front of me." 

"oh my god i'm so sorry." i place my hand on top of his. "what happened?" 

"it was my fault," he sighs. "i was involved with some really bad stuff and she was collateral damage. ever since then, i've never really found anyone else-- i was too scared that it would happen again. i'm not safe." 

"are you still involved with those.. stuff?"

matthew nods. "colton helped me. took me in. i watched him build this company from practically nothing." 

"i'm sorry." it was all i could say. 

"you can run now if you want," he chuckles. 

"since we both attract trouble anyway," i scoot closer, indicating he didn't scare me off, "how about we stick together and help solve each other's problems?" 

he lets out a light laugh. "you sure? cause your life can get messy."

"you're acting as if my life isn't messy in the first place," i chuckle. 

"fuck it, why not."


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