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mattia's pov

"why we going so fucking fast?" kairi shouted as i pressed harder on the gas pedal.

"cause evan's stalker ass is dangerous," i reply.


i explained everything and told him about my discovery in evan's office.

"well why you going so slow? go faster. go go go go," kairi urged.

"her locations changing," i say, glancing at the phone. "fuck where is she going?"

"just follow it."


"i'm guessing this is house she's staying at," i mention as we get out of the car.

kairi and i scope out the perimeter of the house but all the windows were locked.

"she's right here in the kitchen," kairi gestures for me to come and we see her tied to the chair.

"i'm gonna fucking kill someone," i mumble. "call 911."

"already on it," he says. "that's weird."


"i don't have service." kai shows me his phone and it said no service found.

i check my phone and it said the same thing. "smart bastard."

"i'm gonna get into the car and drive somewhere so i can find service," kairi tells me. "figure out a way to get inside the house."

i look around and saw a stick laying on the floor so i picked it up and tried prying one of the windows open. after a couple minutes i finally got it loose enough and went through.

y/n's pov

"dinner's almost ready," evan smiles. "i just don't get it though. i'm obviously the better option— why is mattia even a choice for you?"

"cause he'd never hit me across the head, stalk me, tie me to a chair, or inject chemicals into my body," i answer.

"hm. point taken but before you even found out, mattia was still competition for me."

"if i knew myself i would tell you."

evan examines my face. "no i think you know. you like him don't you?"

"more than you," i said.

"huh," he shrugs. "guess i'll have to kill him."

"don't you dare." i start jerking my upper body around.

"you see how much you care?" he scoffs. "that's a problem. once he's dead— you'll have no choice but to move on. can't love a dead man forever you know." he turns off the stove and let's the spaghetti cool off.

"what will it take for you to leave him alone?" i plead. "i'll do anything. anything."

"let's move somewhere else. far away. where it'll just be us." he holds my face into his hands. "i heard bahamas are really nice."

"what about school?" i ask.

"with my job as a business man, i'll have enough money for us both. you wouldn't have to do a single thing."

"and if i go with you, mattia will be safe? you won't hurt him?"

"you have my word sweetheart," evan assures me. "now i'm gonna go change into some comfy clothes. behave."

i watch him walk away, leaving me alone.

"y/n," i hear a voice call me softly.

i look around and saw mattia. "mattia? what're you doing here?"

"what's it look like in doing?" he smiles, untying the ropes around my leg. "are you okay?" his hand caresses my cheek and i kiss it lightly.

"i'll be okay. but i can't move," i inform him. "he put something in me to numb my body."

"i'll carry you out," he says. "fuck. handcuffs."

mattia looks around the kitchen cabinets to try and find something to help set me free.

then evan reappears from the around and prepared to swing at him. "mattia behind you," i shout.

he knocked mattia across the head and i watch his body fall to the floor.

"you know what they say," evan sighs. "three makes a party."


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