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y/n's pov

"bye ashley," i wave to her as i head out the door. 

"bye y/n." she waves back. 

the taxi takes me back to my apartment where i see miah waiting outside mattia's door. 

"you don't give up do you?" i scoff. 

she turns around and glares at me. "i honestly don't know what he sees in you." 

"that's the most basic thing a girl can say." 

"he's only using you, you know? mattia doesn't settle down for girls like you. give it a week. you'll be old news," said miah. 

"yeah," i smile. "you would know wouldn't you?"

i shove past her and knock on mattia's door. 

"go away miah," he shouts. 

"it's me," i shout back. 

mattia opens the door but his expression changes when he saw miah behind me. "come in. not you miah." he closes the door on her face. 

"how was work?" he asks me. 

"it was pretty good, colton was wayyyy nicer today," i smile. "can i sleep over tonight?"

"yea for sure. also, i wanted to give you something." mattia tosses me something but i couldn't see what it was until i caught it. "it's a key to my apartment. in case i'm not home and you need something, i dont know."

"then here, take my spare one." i throw him mine and he puts it on the counter. "i told colton about evan."

"yeah? what'd he say?" 

we lay down on his couch and i put my head on his chest. 

"he just said he was sorry that it happened to me," i say. "that's all i expected though, what else can he say or do." 

"maybe he's not an asshole," mattia chuckles. 

he kisses me on the lips and his hands travel down to my heat unexpectedly. 

"why are you always horny," i ask through our kiss. 

"i'm a teenage boy y/n."

i chuckle and begin palming him through his sweats. he releases his lips from mine and throws his head back in pleasure. i hook my finger on the waistbands of his pants and pull them down along with his underwear. 

my bare touch made him start breathing heavily as i rubbed up and down on his member. he starts thrusting his hip upwards to create more friction in my hand and i squeeze a little bit more. 

"keep stroking me," he grunted. 

i went a little bit faster and kept my eyes on his face as he continued moaning. 

"fuck, i'm almost there."

soon, i felt his warm liquid all over my hand and palmed him for only a few more seconds. his lips reconnect with mine and he continues kissing me passionately. 

the next day

as usual, mattia and i went to school together and met up with jade, ale, and kairi by the lockers. 

"so how was your first day of work?" kairi asks. 

"it was good, colton was a lot nicer than he was during the interview," i tell them. 

"he was probably have a bad day that day or something," ale assumes. "can't imagine being his age and actually running a whole ass company. shit must be tough."

"yeah," i agree, "i never really thought about that."

"yo mattia is miah still on your dick," kairi chuckles. 

he nods in frustration. "i can't bruh, shits so fucking annoying-- she won't leave me the fuck alone." 

"how are we feeling about that y/n?" jade smiles. 

"it sounds more of a him problem but it's only a me problem when i'm actually there," i answer. 

"wow.. thanks," mattia says plainly. 

i kiss him on the cheek and then we all head to class. 

passing period

as i'm taking stuff out my locker i heard a familiar voice come from behind me. 

"never though i'd see you in casual clothes."

i turn around, surprised. "mr. greyson-- i mean colton. what're you doing here?"

"i came to make a donation to your school so you guys can get better equipment and supplies," he says. 

"aww that's nice," i smile. "on behalf of the students here, thank you for your donation."

he laughs softly. "uh, listen, i never really apologized for the way i acted during our interview. honestly it wasn't a good day and i took out it out on you. i was being unprofessional and i apologize."

his apology caught me by surprise. "it's okay. i couldn't imagine being in your shoes anyway-- it's probably super stressful to run an entire company at the age of 21." 

"yeah well, i have good interns to help me out," he gives me a polite smile. "anyway, i gotta get back to work. see you at 3pm again."

"see you."


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