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y/n's pov

a bright emerges from my right, causing me to wake up. it was still the middle of the night and mattia was dead asleep to my left with his arms wrapped around me. i realized that it was a text message that woke me cause, causing my phone to light up continuously. 

text from colton

colton: please wake up
               matthew and i need your help
               wake up
               wake up
y/n: do you realize what time it is?
colton: i am well aware of the time. i can read
y/n: you better have a good reason for waking me up
colton: i can assure you it is a good reason. come to our building please
y/n: right now? why?
colton: it's an emergency. just come as soon as possible. 
                to the room that says keep out
y/n: okay i'm omw

without waking mattia up, i carefully get out of his grip and put on a hoodie before making my out the door. my only concern was finding a taxi this late at night but to my luck, one passed by. 


i quickly run into colton's building and went to the second floor. the door was wide open so i jogged in and saw colton and matthew covered in blood. 

"what the fuck happened?" i shout. 

"yes we are okay, thank you for asking," matthew gives me a thumbs up. 

"some people... were not happy with us," colton explained. "can you help stitch up our wounds please?" 

they both had a cut on their hip, but it wasn't too big. colton and matthew had lost a lot of blood and it was everywhere. 

"where's your first aid?" i ask. colton pointed to the corner and i went to go grab it. "you guys did good by covering your wounds." 

"help matthew first," colton ordered. 

"no do colton first," he answered. "his is worse than mine."

i bend down to colton's body and started cleaning around the would so i can see the actual cut. "oo that doesn't look too good." he started wincing as i kept making contact with his skin. "just so you guys know i am not a professional at this." 

"i'll get it properly checked out tomorrow," he said. "we just need to close it up for now."

after i was done cleaning the would, i grabbed some thin string-like yarn and started stitching his would up. every time i penetrate his skin, i would grunt a little from how painful it looked, but colton took it better than i did. 

"how's it feeling?" i ask. 

"hurts like shit but i'm getting use to it," he answered. "is it almost done?"

"yeah i just need to pull the string to tighten it now," i reply. "this is gonna hurt." when i tightened it, colton gripped my shoulder harshly and lets out a deep breath. 

"that did not look like fun," matthew mumbled. 

"it wasn't," colton confirms. 

i stand up. "i'm gonna go wash my hands first. i don't wanna touch your wound with colton's blood on my hand." 

eventually, i stitched up matthew's wound too and it was easier this time cause i got use to doing it from colton's. 

"thank you for coming," said colton. "we didn't know who else we could call at this time that we trust." 

"yeah any time," i chuckle. "are you guys gonna be okay?" 

"yeah i think so," matthew nods. "it's almost 5am, you should go back home." 

"i'll take you home," colton offers. 

"are you sure you can drive...?" i ask. 

"i'll be fine," he replies. "you'll be good matthew?"

matthew gives him a thumbs up and we head back down to the first floor. during the car ride, i could see he was struggling a little bit but i felt better knowing that the streets were pretty much empty. 

"you okay?" he asks me. 

"you're worried about me?"

"i'm sure that was hard for you to see and do." 

"well yeah i mean i've never seen that much blood before or sewn up anyone's cut," i answer. "did michael or howard do this?"

he nods slowly with eyes still on the road. "they used a switchblade."

"why'd they do it?"

"to remind us who's in charge i guess? i don't know," he sighs. "i'm sorry i got you roped into this-- it was the last thing i wanted." 

"it's okay," i smile weakly as we approach my apartment. 

"don't tell anyone about this okay?"

"i won't," i assure him. "i'll see you later, please take care of you wound. i don't want it to get infected." 

"i will. thank you for helping us tonight." 


i try opening my door as quietly as possible so that i wouldn't wake mattia. there was still some blood all over my hoodie which would've been very hard to explain. i take it off and scrunch it up so that the blood wouldn't be noticeable. 

when i open my bedroom door, the lamps were on and mattia was leaning against the headboard. "where were you?"


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