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y/n's pov

fuck shit fuck.

"i just went for a quick walk to clear my mind," i tell him. 

"at this hour?" he asks. 

"i couldn't sleep," i shrug. i throw my hoodie in my closet and crawl into bed with him. 

"well why didn't you answer your phone?" 

"sorry, i didn't have it on," i lie. "didn't mean to worry you." 

"it's just with your history of disappearance, i got worried." 

"well i'm right here." i kiss him on the lips. "we have an hour until school so let's just sleep as much as we can right now." 

he chuckles lightly and turns off the lamp. 

mattia's pov

the morning

after breakfast, y/n went back into her bedroom and started getting ready. i was washing the dishes when her phone went off right next to me, catching my attention. it was from colton and it said thanks again for coming in the middle of the night haha. 

she lied to me, she didn't go for a walk. or maybe she did but her destination was where colton was and she definitely left that part out. i turn off the faucet and went to my room without telling her and got ready for school myself. 


"mattia why'd you leave without me this morning?" y/n walks up to me by the lockers. 

"sorry had an emergency," i answer plainly. "i gotta go to class." 

"okay i'll see you later." she leans in for a kiss but walk away and shove past her. 

i know it's petty of me to not just straight up ask her but too bad, i'm a petty person. 

"trouble in paradise already?" a female voice says. 

"none of your busines miah." i continue walking but she follows me. 

"i saw how you dodged her kiss back there," she points out. " 'princess' isn't making you happy huh?" 

"like i said, none of your damn business."

"why don't we go out  tonight? i have a few things in mind that can definitely make you happy," she smirks. 

"i'm not going out with yo-"

"text me," she walks off before i can finish my sentence. 

y/n's pov

the entire day mattia was acting weird and avoiding me. what did i do wrong? he wouldn't even stay still long enough for me to have a proper conversation with him. i decided that i was just going to ask him when i get home from work cause i didn't wanna deal with it right now. 


"matthew are you good?" i ask him. 

"yeah," he smiles. "it hurts like a hell but at least it's been properly treated now." 

"what'd you tell the doctor?" 

"i just said that my friend accidentally cut me while he was swinging a knife around," he shrugs, making me a chuckle a little bit. "it would've been a lot worse if you didn't stitch it up so thank you for that." 

"well i've always wanted to stitch up a wound before so i can cross that off my bucket list now," i laugh. "what're you gonna do about howard and michael?"

"for now we just have to listen to them and do whatever they say," he sighs. "listen, since they know that you know about their drugs and guns, you might be roped into this mess." 

"yeah i figured," i frown. 

"i won't let anything like that happen to you okay?" he assures me. "i'll let whatever it is happen to me first before it happens to you." 

"thanks matthew," i smile. "but like you said as long as we listen to them, it'll be fine right? no one has to get hurt?" 

we walk around the corner and saw howard and michael talking to colton. 

"great, the whole gang's here," michael smiled. "y/n, matthew, come here let us fill you in."

"fill us in on what?" i ask. 

"i'm gonna need the three of you guys to go on a little road trip tonight," howard informs us. "you need to deliver the guns and drugs to a different location."

"okay, matthew and i will do it," colton says. 

"i said the three of you," he replied. "the guns and drugs are heading different directions." 

"so why can't colton and i just handle each of them?" matthew asks. 

"the drugs need a little bit more muscle," michael explains. "so two of you will handle the drugs and one of you will handle the guns. i will have two trucks here around 7pm." 

i take a deep breath and look at colton and matthew who were clenching their jaws. 

"perfect," colton smiles. "we'll get it done." 

"great," howard shouts. "and uh, i hope your cuts heal properly."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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