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gooodddd mornin:)


are you free todayyy

to doooo what

anything i'm bored
jack is mad at me still

jack is always mad

yes but not tHIS mad

tell him to get over it

he won't listeNnNnn

your bandmates are toxic af lmao


but i'm free
pick me up in 15?

pick you up in 10


third person.

"We can't get a hamster," Zach said, trying to pull the girl away from the hamsters being displayed in the pet store they had decided to look around.

"I want to get two," Maddy frowned.

"They'll kill each other." Zach replied, letting out a small laugh as the girl rolled her eyes and walked away from them, dragging the boy over to the fish in the other corner of the store, "Maddyyy."

"I just want to look arounddd," She smiled at him, keeping a tight hold of his hand as she carefully looked at each fish, "When I get my own place I'm getting a fish."

"Only if you name it fluffy." The boy said, wrapping his arm around her as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at him, "What? Perfect name for a pet."

"You're so weird." She shook her head, continuing to look at the fish before heading over to a new section of the store, "Can we get food after this?"

"Yesss," Zach said as the two of them finished up looking around the pet store before heading out to Zach's car, driving down to a restaurant that Maddy had requested to go to.

It was a restaurant specifically made for vegans, something Maddy was trying to get into as she was already vegetarian and figured that becoming vegan would be better, but Zach wasn't so sure on the idea due to his love for chicken tenders but agreed anyway to avoid any conflict between the pair of them.

Once they arrived, the took their seats inside the restaurant as they looked at the menus, deciding on what to order for their lunch.

"You should get the salad." Maddy glanced up at the boy as he let out a small uncomfortable laugh.

"Why?" He asked, a small half smile on his face as she shrugged.

"You need it," She smiled at him as he slowly nodded, letting out another half laugh before she started to laugh, "I'm kidding, I think you'll like it."

Zach nodded, closing his menu and placing it down beside him as he subtly sighed, looking out the window as he waited for the girl to finish choosing what she wanted for lunch.

After they had ordered, the pair were left in a slightly awkward silence before Maddy had sat up in her seat and looked at him, "So what are we?"


"Are we dating or not?" Maddy asked, tilting her head ever so slightly as she smiled at him, "You still haven't asked me to be your girlfriend."

Zach scratched the back of his neck, glancing around the room before leaning back in his chair, feeling slightly awkward about the topic as a whole, "I don't know, I'd rather not put a label on our relationship."

"It's been two weeks." She raised one eyebrow, "I thought you'd be over it."

"I am, I totally am." The boy nodded, folding his arms, "But management and all, probably will get a bit mad if I have another girlfriend so quick."

"Then leave the band?" She suggested, getting slightly confused, "I thought you wanted to be with me."

"I do, I really do but I've already got a lot to think about right now," Zach said, coming up with multiple excuses in order to try avoid the conversation, "Not putting a label on it would be best for me right now, I don't have any plans to leave the band anytime soon and plus people still think i'm with Renny- I mean Serenity."

"Zach you told me like three weeks ago you'd do anything for me," Maddy rolled her eyes, "You slept over the night you broke up with that girl, doesn't that speak for itself?"

He nodded, "Yeah but I wasn't really thinking properly, I had just broken up with someone so-"

"Then you slept with me," She interrupted him as he rolled his eyes slightly, "Which makes me believe that break up didn't really effect you."

"I just don't want to put a label on the relationship," Zach shrugged, letting out a sigh, "Give me time to think about it, it's only been a few weeks."

Maddy nodded, raising her eyebrows and rolling her eyes as she folded her arms, becoming annoyed that she was still failing at becoming the boys girlfriend, which was making her other plan begin to fail.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


i'm not sticking to my updating schedule at all
and it's an issue😳
tomorrow i will begin to stick to it

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