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third person.

"This is a nice car," Zach said, getting into the girl's car as he grabbed the steering wheel before nodding and looking at her.

"It's also my car, don't crash it." She said, putting on the seatbelt as he did the same before shaking his head and driving off.

"Thank you for having faith in me," Zach replied.

The girl let out a small laugh as he smiled at her, driving to the first destination of their date night, which Zach had planned to be bowling. Once they arrived, they headed inside and soon enough their game of bowling was started and as expected, neither of them were taking the game seriously.

"Do a spin and then throw the ball," Serenity said as the boy nodded, doing just as she suggested whilst the girl was watching him and laughing, seeing the ball miss all the pins.

"Now I'm going to lose." Zach turned around to face her as she shrugged, grabbing a ball for her turn.

"You were losing anyway," The girl smiled at him as he checked the scores before looking back at her and shaking his head but letting out a small laugh, "I'm just too good."

"You're on 18 points." Zach told her as she shrugged before rolling the ball and watching it.

"You're on 11," She said as she turned around, "If I win you have to make me pancakes for breakfast tomorrow."

"If I win, you have to.." Zach began, before carefully thinking about his reply and then smiling at her, "You have to kiss my cheek."

"I'd do that even if you didn't win." She mumbled whilst watching the boy have his go before getting a strike as he spun around and looked at her with his mouth wide open in shock.

The pair soon finished the game and it eventually ended in a tie, but Zach had still agreed to make the girl pancakes for breakfast as they headed back towards the apartment.

After arriving at the apartment just past 9pm, they slowly headed up the stairs towards Serenity's floor. But as they reached the floor, the boy told the girl to keep going up the flights of stairs until they were at the top, which she agreed to no matter how confused she was.

Once they reached the top, Zach opened the door to the rooftop as the girl noticed a little set up of a few picnic blankets with fairy lights hanging around it.

"This is so pretty, oh wow." Serenity said as she walked through the doorway towards the blankets, "Did you plan all this?"

"I've had it planned since I found out you love rooftop picnics," Zach smiled, walking over to the blankets and picking up the tub of strawberries, offering her one, "So around about 2 months this has been in my mind."

"You've impressed me once again Herron." The girl said through a small laugh as she took a strawberry.

"I do try my best." He said before sitting down as Serenity sat down beside him, "I got oreos, I got cookies, popcorn, all your favourite snacks."

"Anddd this is for you," Zach said as he struggled to pull an envelope out of his pocket before handing it to her, "I wrote it because I also know you like handwritten letters."

"Zachh," She said as she blushed slightly before opening up the envelope and pulling out a short but meaningful letter that the boy had wrote.

serenity or renny,

first off i'm sorry for any pain i caused, it was never my intention and i don't know what came over me, but i feel like i know what i want now, from now on i promise to never make you feel like you aren't good enough, and i promise to make you feel loved, cared for and protected. i promise to be myself and express my feelings as you always encourage me to do, and also not to change myself or make anyone ban me from eating chicken tenders. i promise to bake with you, sing all of the best one direction songs, and cry over many disney movies with you. i cant wait to play 18 by 1D for the rest of my life even if you are 17 still.

love, zdong <3

"It was short but only because I struggle to put it into words," Zach explained and shrugged slightly as the girl looked up at him as she wiped her eyes, "I didn't mean to make you cry, Renn."

"It's so cute, you're so sweet." She said as she pulled him into a hug, placing a quick kiss on his cheek as he smiled and looked at her.

"There's one more thing in the envelope." He told her as the girl looked at him confused before looking in the envelope and pulling out the promise ring she had given back to him a few months back.

Just as she realised it was the same ring, the girl put her face in her hands to hide her emotions from Zach as he wrapped his arms around her and gently stroked her arms.

"Sorry." She mumbled as she slightly laughed and wiped her eyes, folding the letter and placing it back in the envelope to make sure it was in a safe place, "I did not expect a letter."

"I did not expect to make you cry," He replied before checking the time with his phone and seeing it was close to 11pm, "Do you want to head inside? We can eat the food and watch a movie to finish the night?"

"I would love to," Serenity said as they got up and cleared away their belongings before heading back down to the apartment.

As they opened the door, Treasure was stood in the kitchen leant against the counter, making Serenity jump slightly.

"Just before 11, impressive." Treasure said to Zach as he thanked her, "I was expecting you to be late."

"Oh my god stop surprising me with things." Serenity said as she gave Treasure a tight hug, who then grabbed the girls face.

"Why are your eyes red? Zach made you cry?" Treasure furrowed her eyebrows as Zach suddenly looked somewhat scared.

"He wrote me a letter," The girl replied, holding up the envelope and showing Treasure the promise ring inside of it, "I'm an emotional being, I cried."

"I'm just a great person," Zach said jokingly as Treasure looked up at him and nodded before politely smiling, "Anyway, the film?"

"Toy Storyyy." Serenity said as she ran over to the TV, Zach following behind her as Treasure looked at the two of them before slowly smiling and going to join them.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


skrt skrt ur welcome <33
thank u to my luvs in the grucci gang for helping me with ideas i luv u bbys

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