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third person.

Stood inside the airport, after a week in Hawaii together were the group of fifteen of people, two of them going to New York and the rest going back to Los Angeles.

They were waiting for their flights to be called. And as the New York one was going to be called two hours before the LA one, they saw no reason to let Treasure, Ren, Corbyn and Christina be sat in the airport alone waiting for theirs.

So as the group were quietly discussing different conversations within their small groups, Treasure furrowed her eyebrows at her phone screen as she glanced over at Brea before showing her what was on the screen.

"Thats not real," Brea shook her head, raising concerns in the group as a whole as everyone looked over at her, "Photoshop is so easy to do."

"Whats not real?" Darcie asked, peering over Treasure's shoulder as the girl showed her, "I don't know that seems pretty real."

"What does?" Serenity asked, lifting her head off of Zachs shoulder as Treasure shot her a glare.

"You should know." Treasure raised her eyebrows as Serenity only looked at her confused, watching the girl look back down at her phone screen before beginning to read out the post, "Treasure is the fakest friend I've ever met, she does nothing but complain and is always bringing me down."

"Who said that?" She asked as Brea and Darcie glanced at each other.

"Treasure I don't think it's real." Brea said, scratching the back of her neck as Serenity looked up at Brea before back at Treasure, a somewhat hurt look on her face.

"You think I said that?"

"I mean yeah, you know how I am with trust issues." Treasure shrugged, no expressions showing on her face as the group tried to go back to their normal conversations, to avoid creating a scene.

"You say that like I don't have trust issues." Serenity replied, "I wouldn't say anything like that about you, especially after you've been through everything with me."

"Stop bringing your trust issues into everything," Treasure rolled her eyes, "Having an abusive ex isn't a personality trait."

"I never said it was," She sighed.

"If you didn't say it who did then? I cut off all my friendships to help you so there is no one else that could've said that." Treasure told her, "I did everything to make sure you were ok."

"Ok yeah and I'm thankful for that but I never forced you to," Serenity argued, "You could've just left me and kept all your old friends."

"But I didn't because you are my best friend, and losing you would've been way worse than losing them combined." She said just as the flight to New York was called, making Corbyn and Christina grab their things and start saying their goodbyes to the group.

"It annoys me that you'd say that." Treasure continued, staying where she was sat as Serenity stood up.

"I didn't say anything," Serenity looked at her, "I haven't been on social media for the past week except to post one photo, I couldn't have messaged anyone, especially a fan of the guys."

"Why not a fan of the guys?" She asked, "What difference to your fans and their fans make."

"All I've received from theirs is hate. I announced a break up Treasure, the blame is automatically going to go to the person who isn't in the band." Serenity explained as Zach's face dropped slightly and he looked away from her, feeling extremely bad about the hate she was receiving.

"We've kind of got a flight to catch." Corbyn said, interrupting the pair and their gap of awkward silence, "Treasure?"

"I'm not going." She said, looking at Corbyn as Serenity sighed, "I'll get a ticket to LA."

He nodded as his gaze turned towards Serenity, waiting for her to grab her bag before walking off towards the gate. Once she had grabbed her things, the trio walked off and left the rest of the group in silence before Mason looked at Zach.

"Did you not want to say bye to Ren?" He asked.

"I would have had to resist the urge to hug her." Zach shrugged as he yawned slightly, "I dont think she wants me to hug her yet."

"Treasure you never even showed her the post," Fleur said, "I don't think she said that."

The girl shrugged, "I overreacted, I guess."

"Theres still time to catch the flight." Daniel suggested, pointing his thumb to the side of him were the trio were lined up.

"Maybe Zach can go instead, talk to her about his feelings there as he wont do it to us." Jonah shrugged as Zach looked at him.

"Jonah that was uncalled for." Jack replied, "You didn't need to say that."

"Lets not argue, we just had a good week away, don't ruin it now." Tate said, glancing around the group as everyone nodded.

"Zach ruins it by being here." Jonah mumbled just loud enough for the boy to hear, "I never hear the end of him."

"Shut the fuck up." Jack rolled his eyes as Daniel's eyes widened, placing his hands over Lavender's ears, "You're ruining it Jonah, Zach hasn't said a word."

"Zach and Ren almost seem like the same person," Treasure raised her eyebrows, "Problematic."

"Can we not?" Fleur said, making the group quiet down, "These are our friends we're talking about."

"Let's just go move closer to where we need to be." Gabbie suggested, getting up as the group nodded in agreement, before all deciding to grab their things and move closer, waiting for their plane to be called.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


didn't know how to end the chapter lolz

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