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third person.

"So let me get this straight, you're confused about your feelings for the girl you just told me you are in love with?" Kay asked the boy as he nodded, letting out a small laugh whilst sat on the floor leaned against the wall, a small bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"It sounds more confusing than what it is, alright." Zach said, defending himself as the girl looked at him confused, "I'm in love with her but I don't know if I am or not, and I don't know if I should get back with her."

"Are you in love with Maddy?" Kay asked as the boy shook his head and took a sip of the drink, "Do you still sort of like her in any way? Is she on your mind?"

"No but Serenity definitely iss," The boy replied as he smiled, "She's so pretty, have you met her? She's got these really pretty blue eyes. Like Daniel's but better."

Kay nodded and laughed slightly, sitting down beside him as the boy pulled his phone out of his pocket and continued talking, "Look, isn't she pretty? That was our very first date like 9 months ago. I'll never forget how good she looked that

"Why are you questioning if you're in love with her or not?" The girl asked, a confused look on her face as Zach went quiet and shrugged, "You definitely seem in love."

"Does it scare you?" Kay then asked.

"Does what scare me?"

"Hurting her again?" She then asked as that smile he had on his face dropped and he took another sip of his drink, "The process of a relationship again? Upsetting her? Not being the best you could be? Does it scare you?"

"Yeah." He nodded, "It scares me."

Kay nodded slowly as she let out a small sigh, leaning against the wall, "Why?"

"I don't know," He shrugged, placing his drink down as he looked at the girl, "Jonah did say that If I loved her I'd let her go."

"For once don't listen to him." Kay rolled her eyes, "He should support your decisions not go against them, fuck what he thinks ok? What do you want?"

"I don't know, that's my problem." He said, rolling his eyes slightly in annoyance, "Maybe I should just stay friends with her? Would that be better?"

"Nope," The girl shook her head, "Not if you're in love with her Zach. You can make it work, alright? Don't let your thoughts belittle you and ruin your chance, if you got a date you can get the rest."

The boy nodded before thanking her as they slowly went into a comfortable silence just as the boy finished his drink and placed it on the floor. A few seconds later, they had met eye contact and it didn't take long before one of them starting to lean in towards the other.

But just before their lips met the boy placed his hand out and moved away from her, "No, no no can't do that to Serenity."

"Sorry, I got carried away." Kay sighed, looking away from the boy, "Anyway, make it work. Don't be scared to fall back in love with her again."

Zach nodded as Kay stood up and grabbed her car keys, "I'll drop you home, probably not the best idea to let you roam the streets under the influence of alcohol."

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