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zach <3

did it hurt when u fell from heaven

i dug my way up from hell

sir that was a great comeback

thank u

i'm bored
the flight is in an hour
and i've got nothing to do
except listen to jack and daniel
argue over lavender

why are they arguing over jack's child

very good question i think
something to do with the plane
and where they are sitting
because gabbie i think has her seat
beside daniel and he doesn't want to
listen to lav crying

why doesn't him and jack swap seats

hold on
u are a genius lemme go suggest that

they don't call me ren for nothing

they took my suggestion but i gave u credit obvs
but daniel is still complaining saying he
will hear her wherever he sits

tell him he can go sit with the luggage for the
flight the disrespect of that man

ikr? i have to listen to his voice wherever
i go and that's so disrespectful

and you deserve better than that

this is what iM SAYING
you understand me so much wow

just looking out for u bby

u treat me so well
i got a question


stop panicking

sorry what is your question

wanna go to hawaii


wanna go to hawaii?

with who

me and the guys and their gfs


and you can bring treasure
daniel wants mason to come
and it's only right if brea and darcie
and fleur comes too

wait are u serious

no i'm joking


of course i'm bEING SERIOUS
pls come 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

i'll come :)
when do we go

next week

what and you tell me now omg

i only found out yesterday
they planned it when they weren't
talking to me

why weren't they talking to you-

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