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fine don't answer my calls i'll just
spam you until you answer

ya know i'd rather just talk it out
instead of ignoring each other buttt
whatever floats your boat

ur the one who said communication is
important so idk why ur ignoring me

zach i was in a meeting


well still let's talk it out pls i beg
i cant not talk to you



i'm sorry for the thing i said yesterday
i was just a little tired and stressed and
took it out on you



i'm kidding
it's ok i forgive you
i'm sorry for raising my voice a little

it's ok i lowkey deserved it because tbh
i don't have a clue what i'm doing

you didn't deserve it shut up
but do you forgive me :))))



i'm kidding

we really have gotta learn to be more

but it's fun being not serious

we gotta learn to be serious when we
need to be

oh yeah we gotta work on that

but how did ur meeting go?
was it for ur skincare thingy or for
your songwriter thingy
dang you got two whole ass careers
going ugh look at u go🤩

skdnsisjdj shut up
it was the songwriter thingy and it went ok
this guy was a little weird tho

what did he say

he was like "yeah you'd have to move to
la" and i was like eh ok i could probably do that
but then he was like "you can't have any sort of
relationship unless we sign it ourselves" and i
was like ok no ur not for me <3

dont move anyway just for that
you've based your skincare line
in new york, and you've always wanted
to live there so ur staying there

honestly i think i'll just sign with the
first guy yesterday

but the thing he said-

that was the only half dodgy thing he said

and that's still dangerous
have you not got anymore people
to meet

i've got one more but she keeps sending
me texts about when she's gonna see me

that's already a no
ok go with the first then
if you think he's the best for it then
he's the one you sign with

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