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is ren in ur hotel room?

i was about to ask if zach was in urs-

nope zach is not in my room
nor is ren

same for me

what's the bet they've gone to watch the sunrise
or something

i wouldn't be surprised
zach already has his suitcase packed

so does ren-

this is weird
let's go search for them

meet u outside my hotel room



third person.

Meeting outside of the hotel room as said over text, Jack and Treasure headed downstairs to the lobby, looking around for the pair that had both mysteriously left their hotel room without saying anything. When they weren't to be found in the lobby, Treasure and Jack headed towards the beach.

"I'm so tired, I'm surprised Zach is up this early." Jack said, rubbing his eyes as he put the hood on his hoodie over his head, "It's five in the morning."

The boy then let out a small laugh before looking at Treasure, "Sorry this is reminding me of the chorus in what am i."

Treasure laughed slightly before letting out a small yawn as they looked across the beach, spotting a pair of teenagers in the distance sat by the water, a bit of sand in between them as they were tracing doodles into it using their fingers, the sunrise just in the background of them. 

"Do we interrupt it or?" Treasure asked, folding her arms as she tilted her head slightly.

"Would they be mad?" Jack asked.

"I mean we have to be at the airport in about an hour," Treasure checked the time on her phone before looking back up at the pair in the distance, "Let's go remind them."

Jack nodded as they walked along the beach over to where the faint laughs were coming from, which died down slightly when Zach noticed the pair, making Serenity look over at shoulder at them and give them both a wave.

"We gotta leave in an hour." Treasure said.

"We're packed." The pair said in unison, making Jack and Treasure glanced at each other with a surprised look on their faces.

"We know, we wondered where you both went." Jack shrugged, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and also slightly in frustration.

"Yeah we'll come back to the hotel in like twenty minutes." Zach shrugged, rolling his eyes slightly at Jack who gave him a confused look.

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