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third person.

"Ok, hear me out."

"Needles scare me." Serenity said, fast walking to keep up with her boyfriend as they walked down the street, "There is no way you are getting me to walk into a tattoo parlour."

"Pleaseee, I want to get a new one and I need someone to hold my hand." Zach said, turning around as he stopped to wait for her to catch up, "And who else to hold my hand than my lovely girlfriend."

"I'll walk into one to hold your hand." She said.

"And to get a tattoo." Zach replied as she shook her head, "Serenityyy."

"Zacharyyy." She said, mocking the boys voice as a smile slowly grew on his face, which soon started a glow a slight shade of red as he turned away from her, "I'll go in once I get my apology."

"What?" He turned back around, his eyebrows creased and a confused look on his face, "What apology?"

"Are you serious?" She asked, folding her arms, "You don't even know what apology i'm on about?"

"Well, yeah I do but I already apologised. We went through this in the group chat." Zach explained.

"You apologised over text, I know it was an apology but I just think I deserve better than that. I deserve an apology face to face, like you said." The girl told him as he nodded, scratching the back of his neck in awkwardness, "So?"

"Wait i'm trying to think of how to word it, I don't want it to seem half-assed," He said, staying silent for a few moments while he thought of the right words to say.

Serenity nodded, patiently waiting for the boy to speak up on the situation she was put through. She crossed her ankles, glancing at the people walking by them as he began to spoke up.

"I'm sorry for putting you in a position where you felt worthless, It wasn't my intention and I'm sorry for my fans attacking you into deleting all your instagram posts. You didn't deserve it and I wish I would've heard the truth sooner so you wouldn't have been put through that. I'm so sorry." He explained, a sincere look portrayed on her face as the girls smile dropped slowly, "I'll never ever treat you like that again."

"And I'm sorry for making you think you needed to apologise. You had nothing to be sorry for." He continued as she nodded, looking down at the floor, "Do you accept my apology?"

"I accept your apology." She replied as he tilted his head.

"Can you look at me when you say it?"

"I self harmed." She said, making the boy go silent as he stared at her, "It wasn't a lot because you texting me distracted me from it but I still did it and I've been trying to tell you. That's why I've been wearing hoodies and that's why the night you did text me I was in the bathroom, but you should know before we get a tattoo."

Instead of Zach replying to what the girl had explained, he shook his head slowly and engulfed her into a tight hug, placing a kiss on her head as they gently swayed from side to side.

"You're the first person I've told."

"Treasure doesn't know?" He asked, pulling away ever so slightly and looking at her as she shook her head, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you get to that point."

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