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third person.

"Why is your face green?" Zach asked Serenity with a confused look on his face as he moved his phone screen closer to him to have a proper look at it, "I know you say you're shrek on drugs but I didn't think you meant it."

"It's a face mask." Serenity replied, laughing at him as he had realised and nodded his head, "Shreks your idol i'm just trying to meet your expectations."

"You have already met them many times, thank you," The boy said as Serenity smiled and shook her head slightly, "So, what are you doing for your birthday?"

"My birthday is next month, it's ages away." Serenity said as she shrugged, "I haven't even thought about it."

"It's your 18th, that's important." Zach replied before falling onto his bed and getting comfortable, "A party?"

"Probably not." The girl shook her head, scratching the back of her neck, "Or maybe a party, just not a massive one. Like one with my group of friends."

Zach nodded, "I can organise it - well I can try and then give up and get Treasure to help me, but I can start organising it if you want me to?"

"It's up to you, I don't mind organising it." She said.

"Well I want it to be special," The boy told her as he smiled, "So leave it to me and Treasure, we can handle this."

"Ok, I'll leave it to you." Serenity smiled and rolled her eyes. Zach gave her another nod before the pair fell into a comfortable silence.

But just a few moments later, the boy soon had a confused look growing on his face as he was glancing around his room, "Does it not bother you that your journal is on the internet? Like some pages?"

"Of course it bothers me, but I can't really do anything about it so," Serenity shrugged, looking at him, "I'm just trying to ignore that, everything happens for a reason."

"It's just one of those things that happen, I'll get over it." The girl said as Zach nodded, letting out a sigh which got Serenity's attention, "Zach I've said before it's not your fault."

"I know, I know," He said, "But I'll still feel guilty no matter what you say."

"I promise it's ok." Serenity told him as the boy started to laugh at her, "I'll never ever see you serious will I?"

"I just can't take you serious while looking like shrek." Zach said as he only made himself laugh more, "It's cute but also hilarious."

"Yeah ok, whatever you sayyy." She said, shaking her head as the boy slowly calmed down his laughter before they went quiet again.

"Oh by the way, I got a call the other day from this label because some of those pages from my journal posted were song lyrics and they asked if I ever thought about becoming a professional songwriter," Serenity explained to Zach as she started to peel the face mask off of her face.

"Wait really? That's so cool." He replied, "Have you ever thought about it?"

"Not really but it sounds like a fun sort of job," She shrugged, "I'll consider it, they offered me a deal if I do decide to."

"You have to be careful if you agree to it," Zach said, "If you sign with the wrong person things could go horribly, just be careful who you have a deal with."

She nodded before grabbing her moisturiser and applying it to her face before looking back at her phone screen, "Yeah I'll be careful, I know what some people in LA are like, but I don't even know if I will yet."

"I think you'd be great at it," Zach said as he smiled at her, "I haven't read any of the song lyrics in the journal but now I know what I'm going to do tonight."

"Some of them are really bad," The girl slightly laughed, "Right, I better go and help Treasure cook some food otherwise I think she'll try to set fire to my bed while I'm sleeping."

"Sounds like a Treasure thing to do, I'll text you later." The boy said as she nodded and smiled, before exchanging their goodbyes as the call ended.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


a cute little FaceTime filler

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