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third person.

"Ren this is for you," Treasure said, handing her a package as the girl looked up at her confused.

"I didn't order anything," Serenity replied as Treasure shrugged in confusion, sitting down beside her as she watched her open the package.

"Is it your birthday?" Jack asked in a jokingly way, placing down his phone as he smiled slightly, waiting for her to open it.

After she shook her head in response to Jack's question with a small smile on her face, she managed to finally open the tightly secured package and pulled out what was inside, as the smile on her face quickly dropped.

"My journal?"

"Huh?" Jack replied, furrowing his eyebrows as he sat up properly and looked over at the package, "Did Zach send that?"

"Well he was the one with my journal." She sighed, chucking it on the floor as she pulled out the second thing he placed in the package, which was a note with a list of songs on it.

"Gimme that," Treasure said, taking the note out of her hand as she closely observed it, confusion appearing on her face as Serenity kept her gaze on the floor, "Why'd he send it back?"

The girl shrugged, taking the note back as she placed it on top of the journal, "They're all sad songs." She said, taking the time to read each song off of the list.

listen to them

broken - lovelytheband
lie to me - 5sos
moral of the story - ashe ft niall horan
better half of me - tom walker
empty space - james arthur
fire on fire - sam smith
let me down slowly - alec benjamin
they don't know about us - one direction
8 letters - why don't we

Serenity frowned before grabbing the journal and getting up, walking off to her room and closing the door as the other three all glanced at each other before each of them let out a sigh.

"When I see him, it is on sight." Treasure spoke up, "And I am not holding back."

"This, I will allow." Jack nodded, leaning back in his chair, "Eben you don't get a say, you aren't in the band."

"I was going to say I allow it too." He shrugged.

A few hours later, after Eben and Treasure had gone off to her room to watch a film and the sun had set, Serenity eventually came out of her room, wrapped in a blanket as she made her way to the kitchen. She sat down on a stool and looked over at Jack, her eyes puffy and red before she wiped one with her hand and gave him a small smile.

"You suck at fake smiles." Jack told her, getting up from where he was sitting and walking over to the girl, taking a seat on the stool next to her.

"I really did fuck up," Serenity signed, "You know when I said she wouldn't ever ruin anything I had? Somehow she's did it all in one night."

"Don't say that," Jack shook his head, wrapping his arms around the girl and giving her a tight hug, "She tried to, everything will get fixed."

"Jack he gave me back my journal. He didn't even give that back when he broke up with me the first time." The girl explained, wiping her eyes for a second time, "I know it's my fault but he wouldn't even listen to me."

"That first time you broke up is going to be the last, he won't break up with you again." Jack told her, "I get he's put stress on you because you rely on him for a lot of stuff, but focus on what you can control for now."

"I just don't feel good enough." She shrugged, blurting it out as Jack's smile changed into a frown, his arms becoming a bit more looser around the girl as he knew there wasn't much he could say to help with how she was feeling.

"Lavender wouldn't agree with that," Jack told her as he laughed ever so slightly, trying to lighten the mood as she sat up and looked at him, "And you can't say that she isn't on your side because Gabriela decided that, if it was my way she would've been here with me right now."

"Plus I don't agree with that," He continued, letting out a sigh, "I think you're good enough. I don't think you should let a few bad days and shit opinions make you feel less of yourself."

"You just say that because you're used to ignoring hate, it feels weird to have an entire fan base against you. Especially when most of them can be out of hand." Serenity told the boy as he shrugged but nodded in agreement.

"Yes but I always know that eventually the truth does get revealed, you just have to keep pushing through it." Jack smiled slightly as the girl nodded, "I'll still be here for you, even if Zach isn't."

She nodded, thanking him and giving him a smile before they fell into a comfortable silence as Jack checked the time, then looking at the girl sat beside him, "Do you fancy going to get a milkshake from somewhere?"

"Sure, I would love to," She replied, grabbing her jacket as he grabbed his before they headed out the door together to walk down the street to a local milkshake place.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


sorry i knOW I SUCK i've had some personal things happen within the past week or so and it left me with no motivation to do anything, but hopefully i'm back to updating according to my schedule, but iM SORRY & also i'm sorry for the bad chapter, love u <333

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