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third person.

"Uno." Zach said as he clapped a couple times before showing everyone the back of his card, "I told you I'd win."

"He says this but forgets Treasure is next to him and has the power to do anything." Jack laughed as Treasure glanced at Zach, "Ren your go."

"Sorry Myta," Serenity said as she placed down a plus two, watching Myta place down another plus two and then Treasure before Zach realised he had to pick up six.

"I'm in the hospital and you still can't be nice to me," Zach signed as he picked up six from the pile, "Ren is out to get me, I don't like this."

"Just trying to win," She shrugged as Jack placed down a card before saying 'uno.'

"What now he's going to win," Zach frowned as he threw his cards on the table, "I quit."

Jack looked at him as he let out a laugh, watching Zach get up from the table and walk down the hall before turning around and coming back to it, grabbing Serenity's hand and waiting for her to get up before beginning to walk off again with her.

"We'll just say you won, Jack." Treasure nodded as Myta agreed, before the three of them cleared up the cards, "Bye Zach?"

"Come visit me again tomorrow, thanks." Zach replied as he gave them a smile and the girl waved bye too before they walked back into the boys hospital room, "Your birthday is in three weeks and I have not done anymore planning."

"Treasure probably has it covered." She replied as she sat on the boys bed opposite him, grabbing one of the blankets Jack had bought the pair, "Don't worry about it."

"But I said I want to make it special," Zach sighed, taking the blanket off of her, "Also that's my favourite one give it back."

"It's also my favourite one." Serenity looked up at him as she grabbed a hold of it, "I grabbed it first."

"I'm the injured one," He smiled as she let go of it, rolling her eyes, "Works every timeee."

"It's not gonna work when you leave the hospital." She shrugged as he nodded and wrapped the blanket around him.

"But you'll give it to me anyway because you love me," He said as he fell backwards on his bed so his head was on his pillow before shuffling around to get comfortable while Serenity nodded in agreement to what he said, letting out a sigh, "I'm always right."

"Always is a bit of an exaggeration." She raised her eyebrows as he looked at her, watching Serenity begin to laugh as he sat back up, "You say the stupidest things sometimes."

"You look stupid." Zach replied as she went quiet with a shocked expression appearing on her face, "Didn't like that one did ya?"

"If you didn't have a concussion I so would've hit you round the head with a cushion." Serenity shook her head and watched Zach grab a hold of the cushion closest to them, hiding it behind his back, "Don't hide it, I wanted to use it."

"For what? Hitting me?" Zach asked her as she tried to grab it from behind his back, "I don't trust you with it now you've said that."

"I'm not going to hit you Herron," She replied, reaching her hand around his back as he started laughing slightly, "Be careful, you're going to fall off the bed."

"I'm fine, don't be so worried." Zach replied, handing her the cushion as he went to tickle her but ended up moving too far to the edge of the bed and slipping off just as Serenity caught the boy and pulled his arm back up, "Ok that was a mistake."

"Stop scaring me," She replied, keeping her hands gripped to his shoulders, "You're such an idiot."

"You're such an idiot Zach oh my god." Zach said, mocking Serenity's voice as she raised her eyebrows at him, "Don't do that Zach you'll get hurt."

"Shut up," The girl said through a slight laugh, moving her hands off his shoulders, "Bullying me is not a personality trait."

"No but it is my favourite hobby." He replied, smiling at her as she smiled back before the pair both let out a sigh, "Can I do something?"

"No," She shook her head.

"It's not baddd," The boy said, sitting up properly, "Pleasee, I promise you will like it."

"Ok, fine go for it." She said as she shrugged before Zach nodded and placed a finger just underneath her chin before leaning and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

And that kiss was definitely the start of something new for the two of them, reminding them just how much they missed and needed each other.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


rip corey, forever appreciated 💙

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