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precious <3


oh hi

are you awake

no i'm sleeping


zach ofc i'm awake i'm replying to u
are you ok?

i cant sleep i'm just sorta of walking around
the hotel room

so you messaged me?

who else would i message ?

i don't know

wait why are you awake

can't sleep
wanna go for a walk?

yeah i'll come to ur apartment
what's ur address


third person.

"I feel like i'm in a one direction music video." Zach said, doing a funny walk down the streets as he started to sing at the top of his lungs, "That's what makes you beautifullll."

"You have a lot of energy." She said, watching him as he nodded, "That makes one of us."

"Do you know what upsets me?" Zach looked at her, "You still haven't smiled."

"You're acting as if nothing happened between us." Serenity spoke up, an upset look on her face as she pulled the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands, "I got hurt, Zach. You hurt me."

The boy's mood suddenly dropped after seeing how upset she looked, knowing he had hurt her in such a way that he knew one apology wasn't going to make everything better.

"I don't like conflict but I don't want my feelings to be ignored because you've suddenly got rid of a problem in your life." She continued before continuing to walk as the boy grabbed her wrist gently to stop her.

"Then let's talk about it." He suggested as the girl nodded before they both took a seat on a wall they were beside, "Let's figure it out, fix it."

"I gave you my journal." Serenity said, her hands falling into her lap, "The one thing I never let anyone read, I gave it to you and then a week later you left me."

"I didn't let anyone read it." He told her, "Maddy knew it was there but I stopped her before she opened it up, I wouldn't break your trust like that."

"But you did break my trust," She shrugged, "You went to a party and let her go onto you and that led me to find out through some drama page. You were distant, you stopped replying to my I love yous, you told me you were with a friend and didn't bother to go into any detail about it."

"I was scared you'd flip out," Zach replied as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.

"That still doesn't explain the no reply to the I love yous." She sighed before looking away from him and glancing at the cars that drove by every now and then.

"I didn't know what I was feeling," Zach said, running his fingers through his hair, "I didn't want to say it as a lie so I just didn't say it at all."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around herself to keep herself warm as breeze picked up even more, it was almost 5am and the sun was soon going to be rising and Serenity knew that If she was out the apartment when Treasure woke up, the girl would panic.

"I'm sorry." The boy continued as they both looked at each other, catching eyes, "I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't lose my feelings for you but I thought I had feelings for another girl at the same time, when clearly I didn't because I have a strong disliking for her now. I'm sorry for making you feel invalid."

"I forgive you." Serenity said, her legs swinging slightly and occasionally hitting the wall ever so gently as she forced a smile, making the boy let out a small laugh.

"That was the fakest smile I've ever seen from you." Zach said, his head falling forward as he laughed and looked back up at her, "Give me a real one."

"You don't deserve a real one yet," She said as a smile appeared on her face, making her quickly turn her head away from him, "Things aren't going to go back to normal straight away."

"When I do deserve a real one then can I get one?" Zach asked as she nodded, turning back to face him, "What are we then?"

The girl shrugged, fiddling with the necklace on her neck, "Friends? What do you want to be?"

"Maybe friends is best right now." Zach suggested as she agreed with him, before he hopped off the wall and checked the time on his phone, "You've got somewhere to be, otherwise I know for a fact Treasure will murder everyone in this city to find you."

"The first person she'll question will be you." Serenity raised her eyebrows, jumping off the wall as he shrugged, "Unless she murders you before questioning you."

"She'll question me while killing me." Zach said as the pair made their way back to Serenity's apartment, the sun rising behind them as they walked, talking as if they had never fell out.

Once they got back to where they started there walk, silence fell in between them as the girl made a slow walk backing up to the entrance, waiting for him to say something.

"Weird question but," Zach said as the girl looked at him, "If I sent you a pick up line, would you reply?"

"With one of my many great comebacks, yes I would." She replied, holding the door open to the building as he nodded, "Go get some rest before your flight back to LA."

"I'll text you when I wake up." He smiled at her.

"I'll make sure to reply," She replied, before their exchanged their goodbyes as she headed inside the building, a smile slowly growing on her face as she did so.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


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