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third person.

The week had soon passed and before anyone from the group knew, they had arrived in Hawaii for a small vacation they had all deserved. As soon as they arrived at the hotel, the group was quickly split and everyone was divided into rooms they had booked.

And of course, Serenity, Treasure, Brea and Darcie all decided to share a hotel room and let Fleur and Amelia get a separate one opposite them, for privacy reasons.

After everyone unpacked their things for the next week, the group headed down to the beach where they'd spend the rest of their day, most of them being able to find get to know each other more now that they were rushing about.

Serenity was hoping to talk to Zach, but since arriving at the beach he had been sat in the same spot on the sand on a phone call and no one know who it was with.

So Jack had decided to sit next to the girl, Lavender in his lap to occupy the girl who looked slightly lonely, "Lav wants to say hi." He said, before handing his daughter to the girl as she gave him a small smile.

"Do you know who he's talking to?" She asked Jack as he shook his head and looked at the sand, grabbing a handful.

"I could probably take a pretty accurate guess." Jack shrugged, letting the sand drop from his hands as he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her, "Not sure if you'd like to hear my guess though."

"Is it weird?" Serenity suddenly had a confused look on her face, "I mean, is it weird that I'm still in love with him even after what he did?"

"You know, he can be a dick." Jack shrugged again, looking over at the boy who was laughing while on the phone call, "But he can also be really oblivious to what's right in front of him."

"He still loves you but that other girl, who I cant even say the name of, has him wrapped around her finger." Jack said, "Just like you're wrapped around his."

"I don't know how to take that advice." She said.

"It'll work out, alright?" He looked at her, giving her a smile, "Just let him figure out what the hell he's doing because right now that is not the Zach you are in love with."

"Oh it is." She nodded, "Just the side of him I never see."

"Because you're a good influence and she's not." Jack raised his eyebrows before spotting Gabbie walk over to him, which made him take Lavender back out of Serenity's arms and leave her to go to his girlfriend.

Serenity sighed before getting up and grabbed one of her oversized hoodies, putting it on then grabbing her phone as Zach glanced up at her, a confused look growing on his face.

But he ignored it and got back to his phone call as the girl wondered off to explore the place by herself. To say the least she was more hurt than anything, she knew she shouldn't have been due to the fact that they weren't together and he was free to do what he wanted, but after she was told he got rid of Maddy, it was weird for him to be back on a phone call with her.

Eventually she ended up by a fountain and took a seat beside it, letting out a sigh as she brushed the few stray hairs out of her face.

"You have a habit of randomly leaving a group of people." A familiar voice said from the right of her before he stood just next to where she was sitting as the girl shrugged.

"Bad habit," She said as he shook his head slightly. before sitting beside her.

"Why'd you leave the group?" Zach asked, looking over at her as she faced away from him, not replying to his question, which slightly frustrated him, "What have I done now?"

"Why are you assuming you've done something wrong?" Serenity asked.

"Because you're not looking at me, you just ignored my question which tells me that I'm in the wrong," Zach explained, "How have I upset you? Are you just being sensitive or is it my phone call-"

"Yes it's your phone call with Maddy." She interrupted him before turning her head to face the boy, "I'm trying to talk to you Zach and every time I do something on your phone has got your attention."

"I'm a busy person." He shrugged.

"Yeah, of course you are." She looked at him confused, "The boy who used to spend all his time with me because he had cancelled all his plans to see me."

"I've got people I need to keep up with," Zach replied, "If you're that bothered you shouldn't of forgiven me."

"Then let's forget each other." She suggested, glancing at the floor as the boy went quiet, "Let's just pretend the other person doesn't exist, alright? Maybe that's best for both of us."

"Are you serious?" Zach asked, "You're this mad over another girl in my life? I didn't know it was hurting you this much."

"Yeah well she seems to be a part of your daily
life and I don't want to affect your chances with her." Serenity said before she got up as he stood up too, "She hates me anyway."

"That's so stupid." He raised his voice slightly, putting his palm to his forehead as the girl flinched, making him instantly look at her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get mad."

The girl shrugged before giving him a nod of the head as she quickly turned around and walked off towards the hotel they were staying in as Zach made his way back to the big group, an upset yet slightly annoyed look on his face as he sat down before calling the girl he had just ended it with.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


hope ur ready for the drama😎
but seriously hope ur ready😳

also my updates ~might~ be a little less frequent because online school is starting up again tomorrow  and ya girls got shit to dooo😔 sorry lads but i will try update as much as I can 🥺

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