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serenityry: got my personal photographer
back but he's still not getting pic creds

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username: ok but are you and zach dating or not
↳ username: literally ugh why won't they confirm it

imzachherron: pic creddssss
serenityry: no <3

treasurexo: can i have pic creds
↳ username: i-
serenityry: pic creds to treasure <3
imzachherron: sHR DIDNT EVEN TAKE THEM

username: ugh just confirm zarenity already

jackaverymusic: oMg iM sO qUiRkY tHiS wAs TaKeN oFf gUaRd
↳ username: just watch daniel reply with something abt lav
seaveydaniel: ur daughter will be taken away if u don't look after her, go feed her
gabbieegonzalez: i got it covered daniel
seaveydaniel: hES NEGLECTING BOTH OF U? gabbie love, that doesn't sound good

imzachherron: also wow ur so beautiful
↳ username: awh that's cute
↳ username: 🥺

username: listen i just want them to confirm zarenity and ill be able to sleep at night
↳ username: same omg parents

fleuro: ur pretty marry me?
treasurexo: she said she was gonna marry me-
breaharri: wait she told me that too??
↳ username: i-
darciebuttons: wait what? is she lying to all of us?
beautychickee: i'm her wife <3

username: why'd you run back to zach if the whole fandom is telling u to leave him alone🥱 kinda tired of u tbh

username: please just leave zach alone ffs

username: i wish i was u what🥺

username: ew

username: ur so pretty


third person

"Ok, yo," Serenity said as she sat down beside Zach with a camera set up on the tripod in front of them, "Say hi Zach."

"Hi Zach." He nodded and smiled before looking at the girl, who rolled her eyes slightly before a smile grew on her face, causing the two of them to laugh before they fell silent as Serenity let out a sigh, "We don't have to film it if you don't want to."

"We need to explain what happened at least," She shrugged slightly, turning to face him as he nodded and placed a quick kiss on her forehead before she smiled and looked back at the camera, "Right ok, let's explain the whole situation."

For the next twenty minutes, the pair each took their time to explain what happened and their side of the situation, making sure to get the point across of what had exactly happened and how it made them feel, but this time the other person was able to hear it.

"And then yeah so I went off social media for a week or two because the hate was growing so fast and I was struggling to cope with it," Serenity explained, her eyes slowly getting watery as she continued to talk, "I don't know what else to say um, it basically just left me in a dark place but i'm not putting the blame onto Zach or anything because he doesn't deserve that, it was just me addressing a break up and so people blamed me for it and hate came my way."

"When it wasn't your fault at all." He sighed, "But adding on to what Ren said, we broke up because I was starting to like this other girl while I was with Ren and I didn't want to feel guilty if I was still with her when I had someone else in my mind, if that makes sense."

"And I'll always be sorry for that because it was a very bad mistake I made and didn't only hurt me but also a lot of other people around me, including Ren," Zach explained as he looked at the girl beside him, who nodded slowly and wiped one of her eyes, "Is there anything you want to add?" He asked, putting his arm around her and placing a small kiss on her head. 

"I guess we need to confirm that we are actually together again," She looked at him as he furrowed his eyebrows then nodded once he realised as he turned to face the camera.

"Ren is my boyfriend," Zach smiled as she slapped his arm lightly, making him let out a laugh, "Shrek on drugsss."

"Shut uppp." The girl said as she looked at the camera, waiting for the boy to stop laughing as he moved his arms to around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder, "Anyway, yes he's my boyfriend...again."

"Basically what she's trying to say is the best vlogger ever Zdong is back so watch out because I'm about to break the internet with my talent." Zach explained as Serenity rolled her eyes but smiled.

"I'm trying to stay serious."

"When have you ever done that?" He asked, looking at her confused before laughing when she tilted her head, "I'm jokinggg."

"Let's end this video," She said, grabbing a hold of the camera as the boy took it out of her hands, "Zach you're so annoying."

"I just have to say one more thing." He said, holding his hand up to her as she raised one eyebrow, waiting for him to speak as a smile grew on his face before looking at the camera, "I love Renny ok bye."

And just like that, as they both had smiles on their faces, the camera stopped recording and cut off the next thing Serenity was about to say.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


they cute

also i got some big plans for this book im so excited for it and i can't wait for you to read it all ugh yes

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