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third person.

"You ever think of how crazy it is that all this happened?" Zach asked, laying down beside Serenity out in the backyard as they were staring up at the sky, "I only texted your number for a dare in an interview, and look at us now."

"I still think that was the best comeback I've ever had to this day." Serenity replied, sitting up to grab one of the blankets they had bought outside with them.

"Also, did you listen to the song?" She asked him, looking behind her shoulder at the boy who nodded and grabbed his phone, pulling up Spotify and showing it added to almost all of his playlists.

"It's a very good song, Conan was the perfect person to sing it." Zach smiled, placing his phone back down as he sat up beside her, "Why Don't We is better though."

"Definitely not." She said, wrapping the blanket around herself as Zach looked at her offended, "Alec Benjamin, 1D and Conan easily take your place."

"1D I can understand, but you should support your boyfriend's band." Zach folded his arms.

"And who says I don't?" Serenity asked him, "I am your biggest supporter."

"I know, and I appreciate it." He smiled, looking at the ground as he blushed ever so slightly before looking back at her.

And as soon as he did so, everything else around him had suddenly become blurred. His only focus was her and what she was doing in that moment.

The girl was oblivious to him watching her, as she was focused on the real reason they came outside, which was to stargaze. But the boy had a smile on his face as he was looking at her, somewhat mesmerised.

The thought in his head of how everything had happened in the past year, how he had gone from sending a text to a random number to falling in love with that person. How they had gone through so much together and still managed to make it through back where they started.

And especially how some girl he hadn't even known for a year made him into a much better person. From being someone who refused to talk about his feelings and had been drained of his confidence, he was now much happier and confident, all because of Serenity.

Being whipped was an understatement for how he was towards her. Whenever she'd walk into the room he would feel butterflies in his stomach. Or the contagious laugh she seemed to have, adding on to the smile that would light up any room she was in.

Everything she did, had an affect on him.

"I'm very-" He started, before stopping himself and looking away from her.

"Same." She nodded, laughing slightly and looking at him, "What were you going to say?"

"You're going to get uncomfortable if I say it." Zach said as she furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head, "No I know you, you will feel awkward."

"Promise I won't." The girl said, turning to face him as he held up his pinky finger, "Really? For this small thing?"

"Every promise is important, Renny." He raised his eyebrows, moving his finger towards her, "Promise it."

"I promise I won't get uncomfortable," She smiled at him, joining up their pinky fingers as he nodded, "Now say it, otherwise I know that's going to make you struggle to sleep-"

"I'm in love with you." He interrupted her as Serenity looked at him, taken back by his words, "See I told you you would freak out."

"No you just took me by surprise," She replied, a smile growing on her face, "That's cute though."

Zach's smile soon dropped as he stared at her, "That's cute?"

"I'm kidding, I'm very in love with you too."

"Oh my god Serenity." Zach let out a sigh of relief as he fell backwards, putting his palm to his forehead as he nervously laughed, "You have to stop doing that."

"You really thought that was my only reaction." She laughed, placing her hands on the ground behind her as she got into a more comfortable position, "Zach I've been wanting to say that for ages."

"How long do you consider ages?" He asked, sitting back up as she shrugged.

"September." Serenity said, "So like 9 months."

"9 months? Why didn't you say something?" He asked her, a surprised look portrayed on his face.

"I was going to say something in January, because we had that plan to go on a road trip. But obviously, stuff happened." She explained, looking up at him, "Then I was going to say something in Hawaii, but you were on the phone to someone else so I decided not to."

"Plus I didn't know how you would take it," She continued as he shook his head slowly in disbelief.

"9 months? You're telling me 3 months after we met, you been wanting to say it since then?"

"Yes." The girl nodded, "Why? How long have you been wanting to say that?"

"Since January." Zach replied as Serenity tilted her head.

"We weren't together then."

"I know." He said as he nodded once, "That's when I realised. Which makes me sound like a dick but yeah about January. I knew I loved you since like July but in love since January."

"I knew I loved you since the second time we met." Serenity told him, "When Treasure and I went to one of your shows, it was a bit crazy."

"I think that was when I knew I liked you, but not loved," Zach said, just as the pair saw a flash of lightening and a few drops of rain fall from the sky, "I think that it is our time to go inside."

"I agree," She smiled and laughed, grabbing a few of the blankets and her phone before they ran inside the house, having to make a change to their plans for the night.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


btw she is not pregnant and im sorry if anyone wanted her to be but i CANT NOT YET IM SORRY

also sorry in advance for next chapter, love u all really tho <3

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