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third person.

Unpacking the multiple boxes in her room in her new apartment that was in New York felt slightly surreal to Serenity. Even though Treasure had the idea of delaying their move by a month or two because of the girls break up, she had insisted they moved when they planned to so they could get a break from being in LA and so that they could have some sort of fresh start.

It was very obvious she wasn't the slightest bit over her old relationship no matter how much she had tried to be, even though it had only been three weeks it had felt like much longer and the sadness she was feeling was very tiring to her, especially as she had felt it before.

But now that she was in New York, a lot of her problems were slowly being solved, like having to let go of the worry of her ex appearing at her door for no reason and the worry of seeing Zach around the city when she still wasn't wanting to look at him yet.

She had always wanted to date someone who had a personality exactly like hers, and Zach was the boy who seemed to be another her. It was as if she had found the male version of herself and someone who she could joke around with as a best friend but love as a significant other.

Zach to her was home. Without her home she always felt lost, and she missed the small little things in their relationship. Staying awake all night because they wanted to watch the rain fall down the window or building a fort in the living room only to end up in some deep conversation about something completely random.

Painting together when Serenity felt sad and the boy would always paint something for her to keep as she would do for him or being so exhausted from their busy schedules that when they decided to hang out with each other at the end of the day they'd just end up falling asleep together instead of doing something fun.

The girl was certain that he was the boy she wanted to marry.

And so as she opened up one of the final few boxes, the first thing that she caught her eye om was the canvas he had painted, the one she had hung on the wall because he had suggested it.

"I didn't think you'd keep that." Treasure said as she stood by the girls door frame, making her jump slightly as she looked over at her.

"I didn't think I'd keep it either." Serenity replied, shrugging slightly as she looked back at it, "I don't know what to do with it."

Treasure shrugged as she took it out the box and placed it in Serenity's closet, closing the door as she looked back over at her, "There, it's still here but you just won't see it so it won't upset you."

"Or I should not be a crazy ex and throw it away because he's got a new girlfriend." Serenity suggested, going to open the closet back up as Treasure put her hand on the door, "Treasure it's over."

"He hasn't got a new girlfriend they aren't even dating." Treasure reminded the girl, "He's in love with you, he'll come back."

"Definitely not in love with me if he likes someone else." Serenity looked at her confused before managing to opening the closet door and take the canvas out, placing it back in the box and closing it up, "I'm throwing it away."

Just as the girl was about to pick up the box she let out a sigh, taking a few seconds pause before opening the box back up and taking the canvas back out only to look at it for a moment before the girl started to slightly cry.

"Ren," Treasure frowned, pulling the girl into a hug.

The girl then laughed slightly before wiping one of her eyes, "It sort of makes me wonder if he ever did love me, you know? I was just wrapped around his finger."

"I miss him." Serenity shrugged, placing the canvas down and leaning it up against a wall before sighing.

"You will," The girl replied as she gave her a sympathetic smile, "It's okay to miss him."

She nodded, giving Treasure a small smile back before looking back at the canvas and sighing, placing it where Treasure had first decided to place it as she wasn't ready to let go of it yet. Even if the nickname of 'precious' was slowly becoming a distant memory to the girl, despite how much she missed it.

As well as missing the nickname she also missed the routine. The routine of waking up with a good morning message and then going to sleep with a good night message, and throughout the day receiving messages asking if she had eaten yet, or if she was doing okay or not. All the small little things that completed her day suddenly felt like they had never there been there.

The small arguments over such little things, the random forehead kisses when they were doing something together, being able to hug him after he had come back from tour, wearing his hoodies because they smelt like him and felt way softer than hers, doing face masks together, all the small things that were so important to her were lost.

And that was something she'd always miss, because it made her feel special.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


hi here's a sad little chapter about how our girl ren is doing🥺

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