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third person.

Zach and Serenity's date that the girl had planned eventually came around the corner and the girl was fast walking through the mall to where she had planned for them to go, excitement plastered across her face while she was quickly becoming out of breath.

"You're going so fast babe slow down." Zach said, his hands held onto hers as they were dodging through the small crowds, "Where are you taking me? Gucci?"

She shook her head and let out a small laugh before finally coming to a stop and turning around to face him with a huge smile on her face, "Surprise."

"Build a bear?"

"Yes." She nodded, nervously biting her lip while waiting for his response, "Do you like the idea?"

"Zarenity bear?" He asked as she nodded again before the boy quickly smiled and grabbed a hold of her hand again as the pair walked into build a bear.

For the next half an hour, they carefully picked out the perfect bear and spent a lot of time preparing the heart that was going go inside of it, "We should add a voice note thingy."

"Saying what?" Serenity asked him as he shrugged, looking to the side as he tried to think of something.

"We should both sayyy I promise," Zach suggested, "Because ya know, it's our thing."

The girl nodded and as they got to adding in their voice note, each of them said I promise before the voice note was adding into the bear and it was eventually stuffed. They then picked out an outfit for the bear - despite them arguing over which shirt would look better for 10 minutes - and finally named it.

"Our child is so cute," Zach said, "If we can look after this bear, we can look after children."

"This bear doesn't need to be feed or watched all the time Zach," Serenity told him as the smile on his fell face ever so slightly, "But I'm going to agree with what you said because I want a baby."

"I told you I am your baby." Zach sighed as he grabbed a hold on her hand, walking back to his car.

After they finished up their small date, the pair headed back to the Herron's and Zach went to take a shower while Serenity decided to scroll through social media. Instead of the usual nice things that she would see and the edits she'd often like, it seemed to be filled with hate comments and threats towards her and her family.

And instead of coming off the apps to try her best to ignore it, the girl continued reading each one, which was slowly completely ruining her mood. The tweets, the instagram posts and the dms from each of her boyfriend's fans were more harsh than how they previously were, the ones that previously didn't bother her.

"Toxic relationship?" She mumbled to herself as confusion appeared on her face, reading each of the tweets she saw under the hashtag 'renisoverparty.'

"Yelled at him?" The girl read out before placing her phone down and putting her head in her hands, letting out a sigh as Zach walked into the room.

"My mom made some cookies if you want some," He said as he closed the door before turning round to face her, "Ren? Are you alright?"

"Ren?" He asked again, walking over to her as he glanced over at her phone screen, reading some of the tweets displayed as he placed his hand on her shoulder, only to have her shrug it off, "Did I upset you?"

The girl shook her head as he furrowed his eyebrows but nodded, grabbing his chair from his desk and sitting down opposite her, "Talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about," Serenity told him as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Yeah and I graduated," He sarcastically replied, "You wouldn't reply to me and you wouldn't let me put my hand on you, something's upset you."

"I wouldn't yell at you," She softly spoke up as she looked at him teary-eyed, "Everyone tweeting about me being toxic just reminds me of my old relationship and I hate it, because I don't like thinking about it."

"Thinking about it makes me believe you're going to do something, when I know you're not," The girl continued as he slowly nodded, "So I didn't want your hand on me."

He nodded, "I can sleep in a different room tonight
if you need some space but you know I'd never even think about upsetting you in any way like that."

"I don't like seeing you cry." He added on, "Especially when I can't comfort you."

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't apologise, you couldn't control what happened." Zach explained as he let out a small sigh, handing her the Zarenity bear, "Cuddle it."

She nodded, taking the bear from his hands and hugging it as Zach watched her wipe her eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie she was wearing. The boy had felt somewhat guilty for not comforting her yet he resisted the urge to respect her feelings as a frown appeared on his face.

Because although he knew he'd never understand the situation or how what she has been through has affected her, his top priority was keeping her safe and happy, no matter how much that affected him.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)



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